Chapter Nine: Was It a Dream

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TW Guns and Kidnapping


If Gianna was the girl then I've known her for 12 years. But how did no one know that she didn't die that night? How has she stayed hidden for 12 years?

"How have you stayed hidden for 12 years?" I shouted.

At this point Matteo had taken Luca to the hospital wing leaving Gianna and I alone in the dining room.

"I don't fucking know! I didn't even know I was kidnapped before, I only found out a couple days ago!" She yelled back, her face getting all red.

"How the hell do you not remember being kidnapped?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because I was 10 and it was extremely traumatic!"
"I had to listen to you and your mothers screams for two weeks!"

"Don't you dare bring up my mother!"
"Did I hit a nerve? Good!"
"You know what, fuck you Nicholas! I'm leaving."
"You aren't going anywhere!"

"Get out of my fucking way! I'll have a better life with my father trying to kill me rather than staying here with your ass!"
"You're not going anywhere to get killed by your father!"

"You know what. Fucking watch me asshole!" She yelled and stormed out of the dining room towards the front door.
"Why are you following me?" She yelled back at me.
"Like I said you aren't going anywhere."

"Don't you even think about picking..." I cut her off mid sentence and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Nicholas Fucking Romano Put Me Down!" She yelled as we went up the stairs.
"Not happening doll."

We got into my room and I put down on my bed, locking the door and sitting in the lounge chair.

"What, are you just going to keep me captive here?" She spat at me.
"Would you just calm down. We're on the same team here."

"You just carried me across your house because I wanted to leave, and you want me to calm down."
"Yes, clearly something happened 12 years ago and I want to know about it. And we both have a common enemy, your father, Marcello Berlusconi."

"I honestly wish I could help, but I don't even remember what happened when I was taken, or how I got out." She said, finally calming down.
"Look Gianna, I just want to help you. You've clearly been through a lot."

"It's none of your business Nicholas."
"Just call me Nick."

"Instead of calling me Nicholas just call me Nick."
"I'm not calling you Nick, that's something friends would do and we aren't friends."

"Fine then. Care to explain to me why you almost killed me last night for calling you Gia." She cringed as I said her nickname.

"My mother was the only person to call me Gia, the name died with her." She said as she looked down.
"Ok, I'm sorry."
"It's fine Nicholas."

"I would say do you want to go get dinner downstairs but you kinda broke the dining room."
"Sorry about that." She said with a smile, something I could get used to seeing.

"It was pretty impressive though, you're probably exhausted."
"Yeah it's been a long week."
"Ok I have one of the maids make a guest room for you. Tomorrow I'll send one of them to get you clothes from town."

"Thanks. Do you want me to come with you?"
"No it's fine, just stay here, just don't break anything. I'll be back in 20 minutes."

I left my room with Gianna in there feeling somewhat relaxed like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I went and found a maid and got her to make a guest room for Gianna, right next to mine so I could keep a better eye on her.

I went back to my room to tell her the room was ready but she was fast asleep on my bed looking so peaceful. I decided to just leave her, she's clearly had it rough and I wanted to help her truly.


I wandered around Nicholas' room for a couple minutes until I found a gun and switchblade which I hid in my stuff. He said he would be back in 20 minutes but it had already been 30 so I figured to just lay down and wait but instead I passed out.

12 years ago.
It was dark outside but I was wide awake. I could hear something or someone moving around outside on my balcony.

I got up out of bed with my teddy bear and walked over to the sliding door when all of a sudden the glass broke and someone was trying to take me.

Then my memory switched to me and my mom in a dark room alone together, guards yelling commands and talking about some sort of explosives. My mother had gotten the door open of the room we were locked in and told me to run in one direction and she was going to go another.

But I didn't listen.

I followed her, then I saw my father, Marcello was holding a gun to her head and he pulled the trigger.

He looked up and saw me and I ran, I ran as fast as I could in the other direction. I was screaming and screaming while I ran but no one heard me and no one came for me, until someone was shaking me and wouldn't stop.

"Gianna, Gianna, wake up!" The person yelled but it seemed so distant.

It was like my mind was in a trance and couldn't get out of it. I felt someone pick me up and try to take me with them, so I yelled louder and kicked and hit.

I did anything and everything to try to make them let me go, when all of sudden my eyes flashed open and I saw Nicholas sitting in front of me looking worried as hell.

"Holy shit Gianna are you okay?" He asked, looking relieved that I was awake now.
"No, I need to go."

"Go? Go where? Are you sure you are okay? You were screaming and thrashing in your sleep. What happened?"
"I remember. Now please let me go. I need to have a word with my father."

"I have a feeling I can't stop you no matter what this time so go. But please be careful, Marcello is a dangerous man."
"Trust me, I'm worse." I said with a smirk.

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