Chapter Ten: Suck Up

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TW mentions of death
Mature Content


    Nicholas somehow got Luca to convince me to stay two more weeks before I go confront my dad.

Luca played the 'I'm injured' card to get me to take care of him which I didn't mind doing especially since it pissed Nicholas off that I was spending more time with his brother rather than him.

"Gianna, why didn't you ever let anyone know about who you really were?" Luca asked as I changed the bandages on his leg.
"I don't know, to be honest. I guess since my dad told me I couldn't I just never went against him. He has had me training to kill since I was 12 I think, I now realize it was to kill your family."

"Why didn't you kill Nicholas and us when you had the chance?"
"Honestly I think because I knew it would piss my dad off." I said as I finished up.

"Makes sense. I was never close to my dad either, he didn't like that I didn't want to go into the field."
"Let me guess, he favoured Nicholas and Matteo?"

"No, mostly just Matteo. Nicholas and him were closer when he was younger but once he became a teenager they drifted apart."
"Oh. I probably had something to do with that."
"What do you mean?"

"She means that when I thought she died as a girl I resented Dad for killing her and always wanted to piss him off." Nicholas said as he walked the room.

"Right. Well see you at dinner Gianna."
"Yeah, see you later Luca." I said as I gave him a hug and walked out with Nicholas.

We walked upstairs towards the east wing where both of our rooms were. I was just about through my door into my room until Nicholas decided to grab my wrist and pull me into his room.

"Nicholas what are you do..." I said but was cut off with him slamming his lips into mine. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, our lips never leaving each other.

He walked me over to his bed dropping me down as he climbed on top of me.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." He said, smirking.
"Well why'd you stop then?" I said as he started kissing me again.

I could feel his hard on, on my stomach and I wanted him badly. I never thought I'd want him but I guess never say never. I sat up and took my shirt off earning a grin from him as he did the same.

He started kissing down my neck, sucking and biting certain spots making me try not to moan. He noticed and stopped and got off me.

"What the fuck why'd you stop?"
"I want to hear you dumbass."
"Oh fuck you. Come back here."
"I intend to."

He started kissing me again, hands tracing down my back and just as we were about to go further there was a knock at the door.

"What the fuck is it?" He yelled.
"The Berlusconi men have attacked one of our docks!" Matteo yelled through the door.

"Shit. Ok I'm coming."
"Make sure you bring Gianna." Matteo said, you could tell he was laughing.

"Oh fuck you!" Nicholas yelled.
"By the sounds of it, that's Gianna's job." Matteo said as he walked away.

"Oh fuck. It's like everyone is against us fucking."
"Suck it up you baby." I said as I put my shirt
back on.

Noticing the marks he left on my neck.

"Nicholas Romano look what you did!"
"What it's not my fault you're hot as shit. And hey why are you putting your shirt back on?" He said as I threw a pillow at his head.

"You had your chance and you lost it so now I have to go cover this mess up."
"That cockblocker. And why are you covering up my masterpiece?"
"Because I have a reputation to uphold and that wreaks it."

"Hey are you going to make me deal with this on my own?" He said as he gestured down to the bulge, that you could clearly see through his pants.

I walked up to him and ran my hand over it and up his chest and with a smirk I said, "Now, where's the fun in that?" And walked out the door leaving him speechless.


    After Gianna left my room it took me longer than normal to get ready. Not that was really unexpected considering I had to take care of some things.

I headed downstairs after finally getting myself ready to see Matteo, Luca, Gianna, and a couple of my closest's men all sitting around the meeting table.

"Ok Matteo what seems to be the problem?" I asked.
"Well, the Berlusconi men attacked one of our unused bases, by the looks of things they were looking for something or someone." Matteo said, looking at Gianna.

"Marcello probably thinks I'm being held here against my will. Without me there to help they know nothing about any of your base since I was the one to sneak in and see what was inside." Gianna stated.
"Hold up that's fucking awesome!" Luca said, giving a thumbs up to Gianna.

"No dumbass, not awesome. If she can get into our bases, who knows who else will figure it out, we need to update our guards." Matteo said in frustration.
"Would everyone chill out. If Gianna was the only one from the Berlusconi's that could get in undetected then that's a good thing, since she's with us now." I said.

"You mean with you now." Luca said, earning laughs from everyone.
"Ok everyone except Luca, Matteo, and Gianna out now!" I yelled.

"Jeez what a buzz kill, those guys were nice to look at." Gianna said, laughing with Luca.
"Anyways back to the problem. Gianna, why do you think your father wants you so badly?"

"Well probably because I've been gone for two weeks without contact dumbass."
"Ok then we'll just go stop by the Berlusconi estate and you can get your little talk with Marcello over with and then come back here. Boom, problem solved."

"No, Nicholas, not problem solved. I need to hack into their system and get all their information on their bases and incoming shipments, then I need to kill Marcello."
"Hold up, why do you need to kill your father?" Luca asked.

I was wondering the same thing.

"Because he was the one who killed my mother. And he has made me his pawn for far too long, it's time for things to change."
"What about your brothers?" Matteo asked.

"They have to go too, they both clearly knew and still took Marcello's side which makes them traitors."
"You can't take on all the Berlusconi men on your own." I said.

"Watch me. I've done this before."
"Wait, were you the one who took out the whole Popvo Russian mob?" Luca asked.
"Yep. So like I said I'm doing this on my own or I'll kill all of you like Marcello wanted."

"Fine, you can go tomorrow." I said.

Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to end well for anyone.

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