Chapter Seventeen: Just Do Something

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TW: Blood, Mentions of Suicide, Rape and Sexual Assault



I don't know what I expected when we found Gianna but it definitely wasn't that. She did a whole 360° with her emotions towards me and my brothers, or was it always like that?

Now that I think about it I still don't even really know her at all. I only know the barebones stuff about her and her past, she's mentioned a couple of things but never went into more detail about it.

Maybe this was the real her and before was just acting, or maybe her guard was down? Either way I need to find her and get her to answer some of these questions, I'll call it successful if she answers at least one.

After our yelling match and Gianna storming out, at least that hasn't changed, I decided to get Matteo and Luca to come up to the penthouse so we could make a plan.

"Do you think Gianna even wants us in here?" Luca asked the moment he stepped off the elevator.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Luca, I don't think we should be in here." Matteo said.

"She told me to stay so that's what I'm doing." I answered.
"My guess was you pissed her off so she just said it in the moment." Luca said with a shrug as he began to look around.

"Oh shut up. I don't piss her off that easily."
"Nick, you showed up in the country that she's in after she left and told you not to follow her. And you pulled me and Luca along so she's going to be pissed at all three of us."
"But why can't she just accept our help instead of going solo?" I asked and Matteo shrugged his shoulders.

"Have you ever considered what she's gone through?" Luca said, with the most annoyed face I've seen.
"What do you mean by that?"

"Well first off she's trained to be a deadly assassin without emotions, second she found her mother died because of her father, third her brothers tried killing her in which she almost died. So of course she wants to take down her father for everything he has put her through. And do you not remember when we first met her and she mentioned being raped and sexually assaulted? She's clearly gone through a shit load of stuff in her life and being with us makes her a sitting duck. There are so many people after her so she's probably trying to figure out a way to keep herself alive, and probably us. So stop thinking this is all about you Nick!" Luca huffed as he sat down at the bar stool.

"This would be so much easier if she would just talk to us!" I said as the elevator doors closed, showing a very much pissed Gianna.


*30 minutes ago*

God Nicholas can just find anyway to piss me off can't he? Thankfully I can go back to work to blow off some steam before I have to talk to him again. I need to talk to him, Matteo, and Luca and figure out what the hell they were thinking coming here, Marcello is literally going to kill them if he finds out.

By now the casino is at full capacity considering the fact that it's 12:30am, this is when the regulars come, it's the most fun at this time anyways.

I headed backstage to change into a red sparkly set, keeping the same shoes on from before. Just before I was about to head on to the stage Dmitri came back stage which he never did, girls don't do it for him anyways.

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