17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco

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"Babe lets hear what fuckery they'll come up with before you yell at them," my father said while sliding his arms around my mother's chest.

On any average couple his hands would have rested on her waist when he's slightly bent down, but their heights are far from average. With mom being 5'3 and dad 6'5, well talk about a freak show.

"True" she giggled.

Even after all these years in the mafia, dealing with people who are shady, sexist, and untrusting, our parents still act like a couple of teenagers in love.

Yes, it's absolutely nauseous but it's nice to know that true love still exists.

My parents prove to me every day why loyalty and love is so important. No matter how pissed they are at the world, once they enter the house after a few minutes with each other they're in a chipper mood.

And I refuse to believe their good mood is just from them having a quickie, well I'm sure the quickie is a key reason but it's also because they have each other.

The love our parents have I truly believe is the only reason why our family didn't tear apart when our sisters were kidnapped. You would think our families would become cold and drift apart after we lost our lights.

And don't get me wrong there have been plenty of times when we've caught each other sobbing because we miss our sisters/ daughters. And now we celebrate Leo's birthday the day after he was born, because none of us can find it in our hearts to do anything cheery on the day they were taken.

And I mean my mother just last week killed one of our men because he asked her if we should dismantle the team that's only job is to find our sisters.

We're not all sunshine and rainbows, but our parents made sure that we embrace the family that we have.

"Fine, fine since breakfast was apparently overkill, mom and dad our class is going to Sweden for a class trip, and I want to go."

Zeki, Tom, my dad and I all look at Leo like he lost his mind. He cooked all this for a class trip? I swear kids are getting dumber nowadays, because she would say yes to that for a kiss on the cheek.

"Well mom and dad." Leo asked while shifting in his spot awkwardly while our mother was examining him. Not that I blame him, our mother is small but shit she's big- big and scary.

Walking over to him, mom placed herself in front of Leo, "what else is there?" The tone was innocent, sweet almost, and that's how she locks you in before she unlocks the devil that's inside her.

Gulping, Leo took a minute before saying, "umm mom that's it- its."

Silence, it's so silent I could hear a pin drop. My mother's back is to me but I know the face she's giving Leo- it's the same face she makes before she burns some jackass's dick off.

Shit that kid is going to fold quicker than a taco.

Stammering for a minute Leo cracked, "ok I just want to go without any bodyguards."

Yes, that's not going to happen.

Decent parents, warn their kids don't take candy from strangers, avoid scary white vans and yes we got those talks. But we also were told what to do if we were under attack, if someone tries to kidnap us by gun point- normal kid mafia talks like that.

But the moment Tre and Ang were taken our mother went into overprotective momma mode on crack.

Before we would go out with 2-3 bodyguards suddenly, we were going out with 5 in plain sight and anywhere from 6-9 hidden lurking around us. All our friends, teachers, owners, and employees of restaurants and shops we were going to had intense background checks.

Begin AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon