Chapter 1

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(3rd POV)

The town of Hawkins has always been mistyruse. From mistyruse deaths to government ploys the town was very unlucky. There was clearly a curse on the town but it was unknown who had cursed this seemingly indecent town. This curse was not done by one person or human for that matter. This town was unlucky enough to be cursed by the gods. Poseidon, Athena, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artimas, Apollo, and Aries. What a random group you may say, not really all of them cursed this town from one project. That project was MK ultra. But after years of torment death and destruction, they feel they can lift the curse but they need to see if the townspeople deserve the curse to be lifted. They must send their favorite demigod heroes to check it out.

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