chapter 1**

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Vanessa's pov:

Oh no not again,I thought he wasn't gonna come home today. I got up and fixed my robe before going downstairs to meet the mistake of a human being I call a husband.

I walk down to see him standing in the middle of the living room staring at a piece of toy. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Yes-." his hands connected to my face faster than I could blink. I stumbled and hit my head on the glass table. i laid there and cried silently.

"You fucking prostitute,I go out and work my ass off trying to feed you and my child,the least you could do is clean my fucking house but no,you just have to be a dirty fucking whore" he spat on me and kicked my legs as he walked away.

I just remained in my position and cried.

I'm so tired of this,I've tried my best but I'm so tired. I'm too young to be facing this stuff.

I'm just 24 but I've grown so tired of life there's no one to help. I'm in another man's land with a man whose supposed to be my everything but turns out he was a Chameleon.

Okay,you might ask why I'm still in this marriage

The first year of our relationship was so sweet and smooth that i fell madly in love with him. Imean who wouldn't? When he buys you any and everything that you need. sometimes he would go out and buy me anything that he thinks I would like.he treated me with so much care and respect, No one has ever treated me like that in my whole life.when he found out I was pregnant he proposed the next month and I agreed. That turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.we got married 4 months later. His wedding gift to me on our wedding night was a visa and passport. he said and I quote
"I want to take you to America so we can start afresh with our baby,I promise to change your life forever".

He changed my life alright.....for the worse. im in bondage, I can't call this marriage because anything I do or say is gonna end in me being a punch bag.

My whole body is sore. he doesn't even let me heal before he starts hitting me.

I planned on divorcing him,but I guess he already knew I would do that. so every day he punches me,cuts me or put my head in a toilet bowl while he press the flush button.

He just finds a new way to torture me everyday and threatens to kill me if I ever try to leave him. or he would take my daughter and let her receive the repercussion of me leaving him.

My baby is just four years old,she has seen a lot of things she isn't supposed to see now I just fear for my life but Im gonna stay strong for my child

I told my family what he was doing but that didn't end well because this sick dude paid someone to beat me up and run me over, 20mins later he came to the scene and took me to the hospital and said he would do worse if I ever tried to tell anybody about it.

My whole family wouldn't even believe me if I say anything now because to them he's an angel. They even use him as example of when people are talking about the remaing few 'good' men.

I just suffer and cry in pain and agony. This is not how I dreamt my life was gonna be like

I would have been better off in Nigeria if I hadn't met him, I would have been free from his bullshit


I turned around to see my my daughter Dami I quickly cleaned my eyes and slowly stand up hoping she didn't see what happened.

"I'm sorry I left my toy on the floor,I'm really sorry he had to hit you because of me mommy". She started crying

I brought her close to me and hug her.

"Baby don't cry it's not your fault.your father is just a..." I breathed out looking for the correct word to call him without cussing

"Douchebag?" She asked innocently,i looked at her with wide eyes before speaking up

"No baby don't call your father that. he's sti-."

"He ain't my father" she cut me off and left my embrace to pick her toy from the ground.

"Come momma let's go to bed it's late" she held my hands and dragged me to her room.

We got in the bed and I pulled the blanket over us. I kissed her good night and held her hoping tommorow would be better than today.

where I should've been (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now