Olamide was making blatant homophobic jokes "the VP was saying 'Chika is in a better place' as if fags don't burn in hell" Olamide's friends laughed.

"What did you say?" Pascal raised his head.

"I hope Chika burns in hell" Olamide said without fear.

Pascal ran up to Olamide and slammed his head into the wall, Olamide's friends were begging Pascal to stop beating Olamide up, Pascal didn't stop until he broke a tooth in Olamide's mouth.

"If anyone asks...tell them it's a fag that did this to you" Pascal pushed Olamide away.

A friend of Olamide's tries to help him stand up but he hits his hand away, he walks out of the block in cowardice.

Tope could tell from the anger on Pascal's face that he had something to do with Olamide's bleeding mouth outside when she walked in to the class.

"Don't feel bad... He deserves it" Tope sits in front of Pascal.

"But Chika didn't-" Pascal's scorn turns into a frown.

"I miss Chika too... I don't know what's more painful, the fact that we didn't end things on speaking terms or that I can no longer come out to him"

"Come out??"

"Oh I'm bi... I swing both ways... Zuriel was like my gay awakening" Tope makes jokes as comic relief.

"Wait you knew about me and Chika??"

"Everyone knows about you and Chika"

"Fair point! Even if they weren't sure, I think I just made it clear"

Tope and Pascal found comfort in talking to each other, it's a shame they didn't become closer on better circumstances.

Outside SSS2 block Stephanie saw Beamer for the first time since they broke up, she wanted to chicken out and run away but she walked up to him to talk.

"Have you seen Jason?... He asked us to meet him in Chika's class" Stephanie said.

"When? I wasn't there oh" Beamer said.

"You're usually never there when these things happen... "

"What do you mean?"

"Where did you and Malvin go when Moyo found out about Jason and Timi?" Stephanie confronted Beamer.

"We left before it happened.... Correction!"

"To do what?"

"Look you dumped me remember??... You don't get to be asking all these"

Stephanie and Beamer's argument was cut short when the rest of their friends came over, Pascal and Tope were the only ones left in the block by the time they all went in.

Pascal and Tope wanted to excuse themselves after seeing seniors but Jason asked them to stay, so they could join in honoring Chika.

"Tope where's that fag chair??" Jason, Timi, Malvin and Zino look at Stephanie after her statement "I mean where's Chika's chair that has the F slur written all over it"

Tope pointed to their store room at the back, Stephanie dragged the Chair out making screeching noise disturbing everyone "umm.. Hello??" Stephanie looked at Pascal and Tope. The two juniors carried the chair to the middle of the class and arranged two other chairs with it in a triangle.

Jason, Timi and Malvin sat on the chair labelled "Fag", Beamer, Zino and Pascal sat on the one to the right while the girls sat on the chair to the left. Moyo wasn't amongst the girls, she didn't come to school.

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