Chapter 56

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The night of Christmas Carol was two hours away. Jason, Timi and others had come to the school to set up the place for the event.

Jason and Timi arranged new sets of rental chairs in the assembly hall, acting like nothing happened the day before. "Pass me that chair" was the longest sentence they uttered during their entire time arranging.

Timi left Jason alone for the Main hall when he was done with his part. Timi kissed Moyo on the cheek when he saw her there. Moyo felt a bit shy cause there were about 5 other people in the main hall who were probably staring.

"Have you spoken to Jason about....?" Moyo saw Jason walk into the Main hall.

"No... Should I?" Timi looked back at Jason without him knowing.

"After what happened yesterday...why not?" Moyo faced her eyes in Jason's direction.

Timi asked Jason to follow him to the abandoned building to talk, Jason played dumb when they got there cause he knew what it was about.

"What were you doing at Moyo's house?" Timi started.

"I came to ask you out... "Jason lied

"You should've called or texted"

"I thought you said you were breaking up with her... Not..." Jason struggled to get the image out of his head the moment he thought of it.

"I got there and I couldn't bring myself to do it... Cause she 'asked me out'... Then before I knew what was happening..."

Jason tried ignoring the whole situation by kissing him but Timi didn't kiss back, he stopped him and said "umm...I'm still on a date... My date is here!" Jason patted Timi and wished him luck, before they left the building.

The Main hall was now being setup, Stephanie asked her girls to follow her to practice on the Assembly Hall stage.

"You know this is where we'd be dancing... So let's give it a try before people come... " Stephanie looked down on the girls from the stage. "Sorry, where's Tope?"

"I think she's around cause I saw her sister in the main hall" Sofiyah answered.

Stephanie went ahead without Tope either ways, She carried a soundbox, connecting it to her phone via Bluetooth "OK one, two, three... Let's go" the girls lined up behind Stephanie on stage and start dancing when the music starts playing.

The girls did extremely well in their first trial but Stephanie wanted to perfect it, so she took it few more times, she stopped the girls after the third time so they don't get exhausted before they actually dance in front of an audience.

Stephanie told the girls to get ready, asking them to stay around the corner since they'd be opening the Christmas Carol. Stephanie texted Zuriel asking of her and Tope's whereabouts, Stephanie was sure they were together somewhere.

Stephanie grabbed her bag with her clothes in it to go change in the toilet after not getting any response from Zuriel.

Zuriel went to Moyo's house for maybe the first time ever, to see Tope. Their father called Tope from upstairs to answer who was at the door when Zuriel knocked.

"Is Moyo around?" Zuriel asked, Tope shook her head "Thank God!" Zuriel exclamates.

Zuriel was all dressed up, she just needed Tope to help her out with her hair and makeup before going to school. Tope took Zuriel to Moyo's room to borrow her makeup and other cosmetics to use.

Zuriel sat down on a chair in front of Moyo's mirror with Tope behind her making her attachment into a ponytail.

"What of Jason and Timi?" Tope slowly combed Zuriel's hair.

Zuriel hisses "I don't understand why they'd be doing that nonsense."

"Maybe cause they're attracted to each other" Tope explains.

"Can you kiss a girl if you're 'attracted' to her?" Zuriel stresses on attracted, Tope doesn't answer her. Zuriel turns her head back waiting for a response, Tope bends to Zuriel's head level and kisses her, Zuriel pushes her off, she stood up "let's be going it's almost 7... The Carol would soon start"

Zuriel and Tope don't talk to each other again till they got to school, Stephanie became calm when she finally saw them, she couldn't get all the girls to rehearse again with Tope, so she only hopes Tope doesn't mess things up.

The Carol was about to begin, not everyone came because their parents wouldn't let them stay out at night but the place was still full. Parents weren't even allowed to enter due to lack of space.

All the students were asked to move to the assembly hall before the Carol began. Jason, Timi and Moyo sat in front so they could cheer Stephanie and the others from up close.

Chika waited for Pascal at the doorway before going to sit with him, both Zino and Malvin also came without dates so they went in with each other.

Beamer wanted to talk to Stephanie before her performance but she was too busy, She had already gone to go change into her dance wear. He later went in to go sit beside Malvin and Zino

Tope tried talking to Zuriel while they were changing but Zuriel seemed extremely angry at what she did "if you think what you did was normal, then there's something wrong with you" Zuriel wore her leggings and left, Tope's heart sank to her stomach, she didn't think she could perform again after that.

Stephanie called her out of her head so they could go dance, they were about to be on.

Just like the way they practiced, the girls lined up in a fashionly order behind Stephanie and Zuriel before the music started. The lights went off, living a spotlight on the dancers as the song started.

Stephanie tried not to look back at the girls behind her so she won't get distracted, the happy expression on all her friends faces in front, told her they were performing just well. People were praising mostly Tope for her talent, though Tope had not practiced an hour before and was feeling pretty sad about the kiss, she still killed it up there.

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