Old Love

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"Thank you! We hope you all enjoy your stay at pizzaplex!" The singer waved as the platform lowered with a grin plastered on his face. Once the crew was out of sight his smile immediately dropped into a frown. "Where the hell was Leatherhead?" Roxy grunted and adjusted her keytar over her shoulder with an annoyed look. "I'm not sure-" Freddy cut himself off when he looked up seeing the gator standing at the walkway to the rising platform. "Monty! Where were you?" He rushed over worriedly before looking over him and finally meeting with his eyes. "Teddy- listen.. there's something you need to see."

Opening the door Monty led in a nervous Freddy who was ringing the spiked bracelets on his hands. "I found him like this.. it's where I was during the show." The singer lowered his ears in confusion as he watched the second door finally be opened; time seemed to stop in it's tracks. He gasped and clamped his hands over his mouth as tears flooded his eyes; he could feel his heart beating a million miles a minute. "B-Bonniebelle?" He croaked reaching out with a shaky hand, he gently placed his hand on the broken up animatronics forehead. Slowly, he ran his fingers across his dirtied and matted fur. "Oh my god it- it's you.." Freddy felt weak in the knees from the overwhelming amount of emotions that had just hit him like a train. Unsteadily he wrapped his arms around the other and held him up close to his chest. He felt like his world was spinning and crumbling but he couldn't stop it. Monty felt hurt that he couldn't do anything else to comfort the bear except standing and watching; he didn't need to ruin this already rocky enough moment for the singer. "Mr. Fazbear can you please step back? We have to begin starting the jump cables, it's what all the wires are for." "Give me a moment.." "Mr. Fazbear please-" "I said give me a moment." He snapped back at the employee with an unusual venom lacing his usually sweet and soft voice.

The room fell with silence with the only noise being the soft sobs of the singer. Everyone felt uneasy; they couldn't just pull him away from the rabbit. It would be cruel, plus no one was interested in getting mauled for messing with him. After a brief hour of silence and everyone present fidgeting uncomfortably and feeling sorry for the poor guy, he finally stood up and adjusted his tophat. "You may do what you need.." Freddy found himself having trouble saying that and choking on his words a bit as they were lodged in his throat. Shakily taking a step back he stumbled into someone; before he coukd apologize he watched as a familiar green and scaly arm wrapped around him. "Freddy.." "Monty.." He sobbed and buried his head into the guitarist's chest, clutching him close in his arms. "It's gonna be alright sugar.. I got you shhh." Monty crooned and gently ran his claws through the shaking and sobbing forms hair.

"W-W-Welcome t-to Bonnie B-B-B-Bowl!"

Freddy let out a sob and clutched the gator closer to him; it pained him to much to hear that old audio. "Oh Teddy.. shhh shhh.." Monty took the utmost care to make sure the bear was comfortable in his hold, lifting him up into his arms and carrying him bridal style out of parts and service. "I ne-need to be in there with him." He hiccupped as his head throbbed from how hard he had been crying, everything felt hot and blurry and he felt helpless. "Fred I don't think it'd be the bestest idea for you to go back there Love." "But he need's me and I'm just fucking sitting here!" He weeped and closed his eyes shut as his face contorted. "Hey, hey look at me." The singer slowly complied before meeting his partners eyes with a an unsure glisten in his blue ones. "He's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. Now come here and give this ole' gator another hug." Monty smiled his toothy grin as Freddy hugged him with a soft shuddering sniffle. He yelped in surprise when he felt something ruffling his head rather aggressively. "Montgomery!" He yelled erupting with laughter and pushed him away playfully and scooching out of his grip. "You brat!" The gator yelled before erupting into his own laughter and chuckles when the other began messing up his mohawk. After the two calmed from their fits of laughter and getting back at eachother they curled up on a nearby bench outside parts and service. The guitarist lay sprawled out across the bench as Freddy laid on his chest drifting in and out of sleep, barely able to keep his eyes open. "Go to sleep Fred, you had a long day." Said other just mumbled something under his breath before going along with it. Monty softly hummed whilst brushing his fingers through the singers soft orange fur causing him to release soft purrs and twitches from his round fuzzy ears.

"We just can't catch a break can we, Teddy?"


And I'm back! 😳

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