Girls Night

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"What's with gator boy and the stick in his ass all of a sudden?" Roxanne watched as he left parts and service steaming over something as he stomped away. "Who knows" Chica shrugged her shoulders as she took a quick bite of the gooey pizza in her hands melting with cheese. "Hey have you seen Freddy, Roxy?" Both looked up when said other exited parts and service with a tear stained face and snotty nose. Both females gasped getting up from their seats at the small dining table; running up to the other, Chica was the first to ask what was wrong. "Freddy what happened, why are you crying?" Chica hugged his arm rubbing it gently whilst looking back at him with a concerned frown. "I-I'm fine, Monty's just a little upset" he managed to get out with a small whimper, sniffling briefly. Both of his bandmates weren't used to seeing their leader cry like this, it was unusual for them at this point. The two others present immediately comforted and shushed the bear when his lip began to wobble before he bursted into hysterics. "Oh honey" Chica embraced Freddy as tight as she could, rubbing circles on his back firmly but gently. "Freddy why don't you come spend some time with me and Chica tonight, a girls night" Roxanne tilted her head giving a soft reassuring smile to the singer, patting his shoulder once he nodded slowly. The wolf slowly lifted his arm, putting it around her shoulder as Chica did the same before they began to lead a slouching, sad Freddy back to their room. Once they reached the hallway with their dressing rooms, they lead him over to Chica'a before said other bumped open the door with her hip. "There's plenty of space and-" the chicken cut herself off when Freddy began to sob again; looking ahead she realized that Monty's door was right across from hers. Quickly bumping the door shut and locking it she led him over to the king size bed, having him sit on it. Roxanne took a seat next to him as well as Chica, both hugging him and comforting him to they best of their ability. "Freddy why don't we wipe off all that runny makeup huh?" "Yeah! And I have some moisturizing face masks for us!" The bear sniffled before looking back between both of his friends with glassy bright blue eyes. "I suppose.." he mumbled with a faint hiccup escaping his lips; he watched as Chica ran over to her vanity beginning to dig through the drawers of it. "Here they are!" She chirped, walking back towards the bed with a small box beginning to pull face mask packages out. "There's a strawberry scented one, and blueberry, oh and vanilla!" Roxanne chuckled as she watched her bandmate drone on, pulling out assortments of different packages. "Which one would you like Freddy?" She asked with a wide grin as she tossed a cherry scented one at Roxanne, already knowing which one the other liked. "I think I'll take the strawberry one" he smiled softly with his tears beginning to dry, along with the makeup that had gotten all over his cheeks. "Ooh good choice! Let's get you some makeup wipes big guy and get that runny gunk off your face" Chica dug in her drawers again before pulling out the desired item she wanted. All three jumped slightly when there was a heavy knock at the door, they could all assume who it was from. "Roxy dear can you help Freddy wipe off his makeup?" The wolf nodded as she caught the pack of wipes being tossed at her. Freddy looked back at the guitar player with his ears laid back; Chica waved him off with a sweet smile while Roxanne grabbed his attention, beginning to clean his face. She opened the door with a scowl, looking up towards Monty and folded her arms across her chest. "Hey is Freddy in here, I really need to talk to him" the gator asked urgently as he wrung his wrists uneasily. "He doesn't want to speak to you" she hissed in an unfamiliar tone that was dripping with irritation and venom. "Listen I have a lot to explain, I don't even know what happened, please just let me see- nnf!" Monty grunted with a soft whine following after the chicken had grabbed him by his snout, jerking him to her eye level. "Listen lizard, I don't know what you did to him, but it obviously upset him very, very, much." She seethed before releasing the base guitarists snout, giving him a smack on the nose along with that. "Ow!" He whimpered with a growl following shortly, "my snout is sensitive KFC" he snarled at the other. "Good maybe it will teach you some manners and to not make your boyfriend cry" Monty winced at that one, that stung bad. He squeezed his eyes shut momentarily when he found the door being slammed in his face; rubbing his temples and slicking his hand through his hair he exhaled frustratedly. She sighed turning to see Freddy and Roxanne staring at her, Freddy was quivering on the verge of tears again while Roxanne was rubbing his arm. "Hey, hey! Why don't we uh... oh Freddy hun your nails, they're paint is all chipped!" She squawked before grabbing nail polish out of her drawers. "We're gonna fix that asap" she smiled whilst gently taking the singers hand into her's giving it a gentle pat. Freddy returned the smile with his stubby tail thumping the bed lightly.

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