Make it a Date

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"Uh- yeah it's for you.." the gator mumbled before slipping the envelope into his hand; Freddy watched as he quickly made haste and left with his hands shoved into his pockets. Round fuzzy ears laid back not understanding why his bandmate had suddenly become so flustered and upset all of a sudden. Nonetheless he gently dug his claw under the crease, carefully peeling it back with a tearing noise being prominent. He slid out a piece of paper that looked like it had been crumpled and uncrumpled many times before it had been put inside the envelope. It looked slightly tattered as if it had been kept away awhile before here it now was between his finger tips.

Dear Freddy Fazbear,

I know the loss of Bon was a lot on ya and you promised yourself you'd never find someone else. I've pushed these thoughts into the darkest depths of my mind, I didn't want to intrude nor ruin anything for you. I told myself everyday that I would find the courage to tell you but I wanted to do that without hurting you. I've found myself always wanting to be next to you just like he was.. Freddy, do you think that you would be willing to let me in your life? I know what I asked may seem a little much.. but if you make up your mind, would you consider a date?

Sincerely, Montgomery Gator

With now slightly trembling hands he lowered the note as his gaze fell back onto the bouquet of roses he held in his arms. "Oh Monty.." Freddy seemed to tremble as he let the note fall from his hands, he dropped the roses before taking off in the direction he saw the gator go. Monty grumbled as he slicked his fingers through his mohawk; he stared at his rippled reflection in one of Gator Golfs many crystal clear ponds. He sighed furrowing his brows, "he proably doesn't like ya' back dumbass.." he growled under his breath while resting his chin on his fist. "Monty!" the guitarist jerked his head up beginning to look around for the source of the voice, he grunted loudly when he was knocked off the log he had been sitting on. "What the hell was that about Fazb-?!"  he cut himself off when he was met with tear filled bright blue eyes. "Did you mean it?" "Mean what-" "did you really mean what you said in that note Montgomery?" Freddy said breathlessly as he held the others face. "Yeah I-" he was once more cut off when the singer hugged him tightly trembling in his lap. He was surprised to here muffled sobbing, "Hey woah 'm sorry to make you upset" he gently began rubbing circles on his back; he had never seen the bear cry before, he was sure no one had. There was no response for a long time, only the silent cries from the distressed well known Freddy Fazbear could be heard. There was also Monty who's surprise had faded as he held him in his lap, rubbing his back still for comfort. "M-Monty" he choked before pulling away and looking the guitarist in his eyes, shaking still with heavy breaths and tears dripping off his chin. "Yes, yes I'll go out with you" he smiled through hot tears, his face flushed from the amount of crying he'd done. Monty wanted to yell it out for the world to hear, he was overflowing with excitement, you could see it in his ruby eyes; that is of course if his shades weren't hiding it. "Oh!" Freddy squeaked as he hadn't expected the hug to be returned since Monty wasn't much of a hugger himself; his face flushed as he sat in the others lap surrounded by the warmth of the embrace. He mumbled quietly as his eyes fluttered shut, feeling as if he would fall asleep right there in his bandmates arms. Or should he say, his boyfriend's arms?

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