"Tony. He's not worth starting a fight with." The blond guy said and pulled Tony further back.

"Thank you, Steve, but I can take care of myself." Tony said. I watched closely as Tony and Big Bear tried to kill each other with their glares. I sighed.

"Okay boys, outside if you're going to fight. I just got new furniture." I spoke. They both looked at me surprised. "And Big Bear, you know better than to start a fight with this small guy." I crossed my arms, and slowly Big Bear withdrew. I nodded in approvement at his movement.

"I'm not small!" Tony protested.

I looked at him. "You're going outside if you're going to fight anyone." I said, my voice cold and sharp. He swallowed and nodded. I grabbed a new glass and started to polish it but kept an eye on Tony and his friends. Big Bear walked back to his table and began to play poker again.

Slowly everyone began talking again and went back to the things they were doing before. The group of seven slowly began talking again with quiet voices. I grabbed a new glass and began polishing it. I placed the clean and polished glass on the shelf.

"Jackson! Beers!" A guy yelled from the table Big Bear was sitting at. My head shot up and I just registered Big Bear kicking the guy over the shin. I glanced at the group from SHIELD, and slowly reached under the counter to grab the glasses for beers. As I poured beer into the glasses, I could feel seven pairs of eyes staring at me. I grabbed the glasses and walked down to the table and placed each of them in front of a guy. I gave Big Bear a sharp look, and he nodded. As I left, I could hear Big Bear quietly scolding the guy who had shouted my last name. Now SHIELD knew I was the guy they were looking for. I walked back behind the bar and grabbed the cloth again and began polishing a new glass. Their staring eyes burned into my skin.

"Excuse me," I mentally cursed, and looked at the guy with blond hair and blue eyes, which name I still did not know of. "Jackson, right?" His piercing blue eyes bore into mine. I slowly nodded.

"And you are?" I asked, if my voice were a drink, it would be filled with ice, which is how cold it was. Why did I compare my voice with that? Do not ask, it was a funny thought.

"Barton," the guy answered. So now I know Tony, Steve, Thor, and Barton. Of course, I knew Barton was his last name, but now I did not have to call him 'blond guy with blue eyes.' I nodded at his answer, then returned to polishing the glass I had in my hands.

I could still feel them staring at me, but it was better to ignore it for now. I did not want to start a fight, and especially not in my own bar, and especially not when I just got new furniture. I mean, this new furniture looks sick! It is impressive! It really gives this place this cozy feeling that a bar should have. In my opinion of course. I placed the glass on the wooden table and walked towards the door to the back. I threw the cloth out in the laundry basket and opened the door to the back and entered. There I grabbed my deep blue trench coat and put it on. I walked back into the bar and over to Big Bear's table and bent down so my mouth was right out of his ear.

"I'm heading home, will you look over the place?" I asked quietly.

He nodded, "Of course." He smiled and returned to his game of poker. I straightened my back and walked over to the door, quickly glancing at the seven people from SHIELD, then opening the door out to the chilly winter breeze and left the bar.

I walked down the street with my hands in my pockets, and my shoulders up to my ears. Gods, it had begun to get cold at night though it was only spring. I turned left and walked a few blocks then stopped up and found my keys in my pocket and unlocked the door. I stepped inside and closed the door after me, and then began the endless climbing up the stairs. I swear to the gods that these stairs would never end. I do not know what I was thinking when I bought the apartment on the fifth floor, or I wasn't thinking at all, like always. I never think, I just act. After five to ten minutes of complete suffering and rethinking every life choice I have ever made, I finally reached the top. I inhaled some of the old crusty air up here and walked over to the door and unlocked it. And that would be where I would have dropped my keys, and they would have fallen all the way down. Trust me when I say it, that sucks when that happens. I have tried it like twice, and I do NOT recommend it. It really sucks.

Once a hero - Riordan_LeoGreysonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang