Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Everyone, including Thomas was sitting in the common area looking at the tv, but not really watching what was on it. The weeks that passed had not been easy and it was starting to really wear everyone down. Things were better for everyone, but pulling double duty for weeks were bring them to the breaking point. Things had never been this hard before. But somehow they manage to work as a team to help Thomas live as normally as possible.

"I don't think I can keep doing this." Thomas voiced, with his head in his hands. It had been a rough morning and day. He had went out for a run and had ran into a smooth talking gentleman, who's fancy words almost had Thomas giving out his number, and somehow his bank card number. Thankfully, Virgil was alerted in time to and had yelled loud enough to stop anything from happening. Thomas had went home after that, which was now all of them sitting around looking at a blank tv screen.

"How...." Virgil breathed out, with his arm over his eyes. "How were you swayed by such basic manipulation?" The Emo grunted out, peeking over to where Roman, Patton, and Remus were sitting. "The guy wasn't even that convincing!"

"He seemed nice." Patton shrugged look apologetic.

"He was charming. He could have been the one. He had such thrilling tales." Roman mumbled out, looking just as sorry.

"I just wanted to fuck 'em. Maybe kill him after, or some shit. The rush that would have given would have been amazing." Remus grumbled, pouting.

Virgil closed his eyes with a groan again. "I can't keep watch twenty-four seven, its like you're all trying to be idiots on purpose. No, offense., but I can't keep doing this!" The Emo groaned. Trying to take deep even breaths, to try and stay calm.

"That's why I suggested we order a treadmill online and have it delivered, instead going outside." Logan said, from his spot on the couch.

"I think I'm going to go insane." Thomas admitted, dejectedly.

"Now that would be a blast." Remus grinned.

"When will Janus be back? Logan, you said the room was healing him. Why is it taking so long?" Roman asked.

"Healing a broken Core takes time. It cannot be rushed." Logan stated with a slight shrug.

"But its taking so long!" Roman groaned. "Our Dark Knight is going to wear out if this keeps going."

Logan shrugged. "This is true. Virgil and Janus work as a team when it come to Thomas's safety. Virgil by himself, would just cause heighten stress, panic attacks, and at times, when its time for him to rest, an opportunity for one of us; mainly you three, to get carried away and invite danger into Thomas's daily life."

Roman gave the Logical Side an offended look, but otherwise didn't say anything as a rebuttal.

"Look guys, I just got to be more careful. No more outings, just online stuff now." Thomas declared. "At least until Janus is back."

"You could look up porn, with all this time you got now." Remus suggested sounding proud of the thought.

"What about the channel? You could be working on it." Roman countered, nudging his twin when Patton made a face at the Dukes suggestion, but otherwise did not say anything.

"It's too risky to make a video without Janus there to filter what information might slip out." Logan shook his head.

Thomas scrubbed at his face with his hands, clearly stressed.

Logan, Patton, and Virgil noticed. "Guys let's talk about this tomorrow. I need to calm down, Thomas needs to calm down. Remus and Roman need to blow off steam in the Imagination. Let's just call it tonight." Virgil suggested, feet shuffling, his body facing the direction up the stairs.

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