Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Deceits groaned as he woke to the smell of waffles in his room, and opening his eyes to find Remus sitting on the floor at eye level just staring at him. Any other Side would find it annoying, but it was just an unwelcome sight at the moment, and let out a very unhappy hiss, at the sight of the Duke, that was choked off as his chest vibrated with pain; His core was still damaged it seemed.

"Morning, Noodle." Remus beamed, holding up waffles, with strawberry and blueberries on top with whipped cream, and syrup.

"Get out of my room Remus." He grunted, as he turned his back on the Duke.

"Its either I bother you or the others come in here." Remus countered.

Huffing and doing his best to ignore the pain around his core, Deceit hefted himself into a sitting position on is bed, snatching the plate of food that was being offered. If he was an actual person he would describe the pain as heart pains. However, instead a heart, Deceit and the other Sides had a core, which was the center of all they were, including their jobs. Its what made them, them. Its what made Janus, Deceit. "I want to see them." He mumbled.

"They know you don't." Remus said, rocking side to side on the floor, as he held a sticky waffle with something slimy on it in one hand, talking as he chewed. "Oh, yeah, Thomas moved our rooms, while you were out." He added, before shoving the entire waffle in his mouth.

"What?!" Deceit asked, almost dropping the plate of waffles.

"Thomphs, mmuphed ourmph rooomphs." Remus repeated with his mouth full.

"Both of our rooms?!" Deceit asked, getting to the his feet and having to sit back down when his chest flared with pain at the sudden movement.

Remus gulped the mangled waffle in his mouth down before speaking. "Yeah. Great right!"

"Why would Thomas move our rooms?" Deceit asked, as he hugged, one arm across his chest. He really hated getting his core damaged.

Remus shrugged at his question.

He was sure Thomas would move them back to the Dark Side until one of them screwed up. Started acting like an evil villain. Just because they moved Deceit and Remus's room to the Light Side did not change who they were. Plus, it was obvious that the only reason Thomas had decided to move them was, because he felt bad. Well, Deceit didn't want their pity. And he certainly didn't want to live with them. Not anymore. Besides he couldn't just leave the Dark Side unattended. Something bad could get out. "Whatever." He hissed agitated.

Remus licked at his fingers as he grinned at the Snake Side. "You know.~ If you don't want to see the others, you can come with me to the Imagination! You can help me create new creature and then we can figure out cool ways to kill them!"

Deceit quirk an eyebrow not really wanting to do anything but he guessed it was better than being suggested to false pity. "Fine." He had nothing better to do, until his core healed up.

Remus gave a shout of excitement before just grabbing hold of the Snake Side and sinking out with him.

(Light Sides)

Patton was sitting on the couch between Logan and Roman, Virgil sitting on the arm of the couch, as one of Disney's classics played on the tv. The Moral Side could not keep focus on the movie though. His eyes moving toward the stairs, where Remus had disappeared early in the morning taking breakfast to Janus, who has yet to be seen after the incident a few nights ago. Remus wasn't giving them any information on the Deceitful Sides condition. In fact the Duke, barely said a word to them. Besides being himself and keeping to his word about the nightmares and so Thomas was not sleeping well, and Roman had been trying very hard to talk and squeeze on a good dream, but Remus hasn't been pulling any punches. And Roman couldn't hold Remus off like before. Patton suspected that this was due to Janus being the one that could communicate with the Intrusive Side. Remus wasn't listening to any of them.

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