Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Virgil was upset. This shouldn't have happened. But it had and Janus had taken the blow. Had purposely taken the blow. He couldn't have as easily convinced Thomas to let og of the Anxious Side instead, but hadn't. The Snake had known that Thomas wouldn't let go of both of them without assurance that nothing would happen to them. So his answer was to lie! And now everyone was on eggshells and it was driving him insane. He could feel the tension radiating from the whole mindscape, and he just couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't take the guilt that was eating at him that Janus had convinced Thomas to save Virgil. Couldn't take the guilt that at one time he wished for Janus to disappear. Someone had to take the first step and if no one else was going to do it then Virgil guessed it was going to be him. He was going to talk to Janus, whether the Snake wanted to hear him out or not. Nothing was going to stop him from talking this out. Not even Remus, who seemed to be on the war path.

"Janus." He called knocking first and stood quiet for a moment to listen, but heard nothing. "I know you're in there." He said, after hearing nothing. He listened for another minute, before letting out a heavy sigh as he dug through his pockets, pulling out a paperclip. "Okay, Jay, let's get this over with." He mumbled, as he began picking the lock.

It took him a few minutes longer than it use to, before the lock click signaling that the door was now unlock. "Jay, we got to talk." He announced as he stepped in closing the door as he did so. Looking around the room and finding it empty. "And you probably ran off to the Imagination with Remus. Great." He grumbled, as he stalked into the room and letting himself drop in the desk chair, and sent a summons for the Deceitful Side. When Janus didn't show up the first time, he tried again, and took out his phone. Janus was just as stubborn as he was and so was going to just have to wait the Snake out. He was going to speak his peace. And Janus was going to listen.

He wasn't even there five minute when the room began feeling like it dropped, going down, feeling almost like an elevator coming to a sudden stop. Virgil found himself gripping the chair so hard that his knuckles turned white, during the sudden motion and was breathing heavy. Someone had moved the room! Why would someone move the room? And where had they moved the room?

(Light Sides)

They were all checking in on Thomas after Virgil left. Thomas had been having a panic attack and had wanted to know why and since Virgil was busy, Patton, Logan, and Roman had answered. They were in the middle of explaining things when Remus popped in, all menacing and sharped teeth, shouting, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU FUCKERS WANT?", making everyone besides Logan to shreik is surprise at his sudden appearance. Even Roman and Remus wasn't planning on letting his brother live it down either.

"Wh-what do you mean Remus?" Thomas asked, trying to compose himself.

Patton was was pale and clinging onto Roman's arm, the Prince having moved away from his Dark twin as soon as he appeared.

"I'm quite confused as well, we were just about to help Thomas through his newest dilemma, which was his panic attacks which are do to Virgil being stressed as well as Janus, might I add." Logan explained.

"We were in the middle of trying to help him work through it." Roman added.

"Then which one of you shit heads are trying to summon Double Dee for? He doesn't want to see any of you." Remus growled.

"I would like to talk to him at some point." Thomas mumbled, not looking when Remus's cold glare pivoted to him.

"Me too." Patton added.

"Well, boo fuckin' hoo!! Should have thought about that before you turned him into an outcast!" Remus snarled. "I mean I get me! I like pushing limits! But Dee, despite everything he stands for, he is the one that you absolutely do not need to lose." Remus huffed. He hated, being the one that made sense, it made him feel icky inside. Maybe he'd stab Logan before he left.

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