Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Thomas almost didn't want to open the door at the end of the stacks, and was a bit hesitant in walk in, to a room that seemed to be nothing but darkness. So, when the light suddenly flashed on, he jumped along with Virgil and Patton. The door behind them slammed shut and disappeared. "So.... What is this place?" He asked, looking around. The area around them looking like the children section in a library, with a small shelf of books and a control panel off to the side. There was another sign. (Don't take the books).

"I thought this place disappeared once, you reached a certain age." Patton said, sound nostalgic.

"Okay, but what is it?" Thomas asked again.

"This is the place where you met your imaginary friend. Roman, Patton, and Janus would come here to engage in play with you when you were three, so its understandable that you would not remember this place." Logan answered, looking around the room for the exit.

"Yeah! Those were fun times. We would come in here at one time or another. Not just Roman, Janus, and I, but also Logan and Virgil and Remus too! Although I guess us three were the main ones to visit here." Patton added.

"Wait. I met you guys when I was three?" Thomas reiterated.

"Yes. They were the main ones who would come join you. This room, if I remember should change to mimic the surroundings for when you would implement play with your imaginary friend." Logan hummed, walking to the panel and started pressing buttons.

Virgil was sticking close to Thomas, who was standing in the middle of the room.

"I think I remember Janus was needed for that to happen." Patton said, as he picked up one of the books on the shelf that had a child's hand writing on it with a similar looking picture.

"Ah, yes. You are correct."Logan nodded, abandoning the control panel.

"So, what's this doing near the repressed memories?" Virgil asked. "And Patton put that back. We don't need that phantom to come back." He warned.

"Nonsense Virgil, he wouldn't have let us in here if it wasn't safe for Thomas. That is literally his job, and his main focus in his current state. Hence why he will not allow any of us to even playfully hit each other. A damaged Side is a danger to Thomas." Logan disagreed, joining Patton and waving Thomas and Virgil over. "Besides most people do tend to have certain past memories of having an imaginary friend at some point, whether they fully remember or just vaguely remember. Which explain why this room is safe."

"So, I remember having an imaginary friend." Thomas said, trying to recall. "But I don't remember having multiple." He looked to his sides for an answer.

"Well, you see that's the thing." Patton answered, flipping open the book in his hand, and a small holographic image appeared playing out a scene. "Janus was the friend you had. It was Roman's idea a long time ago." He said, as they watched the scene.

~ They were in his childhood backyard. Thomas was on the swing set looking very bored and sad. While unbeknownst to him on the slide a little boy with snake features slept using his blanket for a pillow, with two other boys, one with a plastic sword and the other in glasses and a carrying a dog plushie crept on up the sleeping boy. "Hey! Wake up!" A small Roman shouted, shaking a smaller version of Janus in awake. The small Snake Sides was laying on the slide in Thomas's childhood backyard, napping in the sun with a fluffy yellow blanket as a pillow.

"Go away 'Tivity. Go bother other 'Tivity" The Snakeling hissed.

"But Thomas is lonely!" A young Patton piped up coming to the other side of the Snakeling and began shaking his shoulder.

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