"Where did all these doors come from?! Remus, come on, I just went down for a nap!" Thomas's voice half shouted in disbelief in the hallway.

"Ah. I forgot. That is how it works." Self Preservation hummed to himself, and quietly opened his door, watching as the top of Thomas's head vanished down the stairs, before following behind him.

He watched as Thomas looked around the common area and kitchen almost suspiciously, when he reached the bottom. He too looked with him, not understanding why Thomas seemed suspicious of the empty space, like something was going to jump out at him. This was his home and therefore it should naturally make him feel safe.

"Is something the matter?" Self Preservation asked.

"AAHHHH! I know kunfu!!" Thomas shouted, hands coming out in front of him eyes wide as he turned around.

Self Preservation blinked, but otherwise did not react to the jumpy reaction.

"Janus?! Your out of your room?" Thomas said, like he almost did believe his own words. Staring wide eyed at the Half Side.

"I am." Self Preservation answered.

There was silence for a minute with Thomas looking like he couldn't believe it some how. "NO!" He finally blurted out. "Logan said you shouldn't be out of your room." He stated.

"I did not use a lot of energy to summon you. I will be fine for a while." Self Preservation reassured, calmly.

Thomas look taken aback. "Summoned? Me?" He asked pointing to himself. "But I summon you guys." He said, looking confused.

"Your Deceit, left me a way to emergency summon you. However, I would need to do so while you were asleep, and the lock the others out." Self Preservation explained, voice monotoned.

Thomas took a step back looking even more bewilder.

"They are fine. They are enjoying their trip in the Imagination. But I have noticed you have not gotten better. I have come to inquire if it is due to me not doing my job correctly?" Self Preservation asked.

"I-" Thomas stammered a bit. "I didn't know you could do that." He admitted.

"Neither did I. But it seemed your Deceit was very clever. And the room has been helpful in its intervention. I have come to fix what is broken if you are willing to talk with me about it?" Self Preservation asked. The whole time he stayed in the spot Thomas had found him, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm fine. I've just had to stay home since I can't lie. I didn't know how often I relied on lies to point of sparing someones feelings and boosting someones mood. And being selfish. I can't keep making promises. Logan has suggested I stay away and quarantine myself, until you can come out...and....YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR ROOM!!" Thomas said, shouting the last part eyes going wide, before he looked Self Preservation up and down and his expression turned worried. "You got to go back to your room!" He ushered, looking ready to herd the Half Side back up the stairs.

Self Preservation ducked under one of Thomas's outstretched arms to where he was now standing where Logic would stand in the videos. "I don't need to go back to my room. I am completely fine."

Thomas was shaking his head. "No. No! You have to go back. You have to stay there until your core is back together." Thomas insisted. "Janus I 'need' you! I need you! I can't live a full life with my Deceit." He pleaded.

Self Preservation blinked and tilted his head slightly face blank of any emotion. "You want Deceit back?" He asked

Thomas nodded. "Yes!"

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