The three of us emerge from the tunnel, wands pointed. The ones with wands anyway. I had two wands and in my moment of need I had forgotten them. Maybe this was the task I would regret. I knew it wasn't though.

"Ron! Give me scabbers," I reach my hand out.

He does gently. I start thinking of confinement spells. I find the perfect one and don't want to show the others my wandless magic. I take Fred's wand but I only use it as a prop as I bind the rat. He wouldn't be able to move or scurry off now. I then bind Ron. He looks surprised and betrayed. I need to find Lupin and Dumbledore.

"Give me the rat. GIVE ME THE RAT GIRL!" Sirius lunges and I drop Fred's wand.

"Incarceraus!" I cast at Sirius.

Surprised he backs up as ropes start to bind him.

"A wandless witch. The things Harry said about you are starting to make sense," Sirius says.

"Harry we have to go. Fred stay with Hermione and Ron. Those two are shocked and think Sirius is still dangerous. You need to find your wand too. Harry, George and I need to get Pettigrew and Black to Dumbledore," I make my way back into the tunnel.

I was the last one in when I hear Fred telling me to stay safe and hugging me from the back. I pat his arm and reassure him I'm fine. Pettigrew starts squirming in my hand so I grip his neck tighter. We make our way out of the tunnel when professor Snape casts a jinx at us. I fly back and peter makes his way out of my hand. I try and run after him but something caught my leg.

"Just a simple immobilizing charm. I made it myself," Snape sneers.

I can still see Pettigrews form as I struggle.

"George Please!" I yell.

George gives me a look of understanding and petrifies Snape. Snape falls back and I cast a spell to get rid of the bind on my leg. I transform into a phoenix and dive to try and find Pettigrew again but it was too late. Hermione. I needed Hermione's time turner. I needed it now, but she was still in the shack. Pettigrew crawled into a mole hole that even I couldn't fit in as a bird.

I just did wandless magic in front of one of Voldemorts followers. Voldemort was a man who craved power and I made it clear I had more than him. No one had done wandless magic since Merlin. I am a target now. I shouldn't have let him go in the chamber of secrets. I don't know why I did.

This was was the second line of my prophecy. A decision urging for a rewind.

I won't be able to reverse this no matter how many times I turn a time turner. I knew it. I could feel it.

I fly back and sprint to Sirius.

"Leave. Go you have to leave now Black. I just lost your proof. You're a guilty man again. Run," I grab Sirius's shoulder and urge him, "For Harry. You have to leave."

"I wish you luck. We'll see each other again," He grabs my arm and as soon as he let's go he runs.

I collapse on my back. Hermione and Ron run out of the Whomping Willow. Looks like they over powered Fred. Expected of the brightest witch of her age. I see Hermione holding Fred's wand and take it from her. Crookshanks was in Ron's arms.

"Give this cat a treat when we get back. Hey crookshanks, mind letting me in the tunnel?" I pet the cat.

She purrs and jumps to let me back in the tunnel. It was over. I go back to pick up Fred.

He was bound by multiple ropes. And a tie was stuffed in his mouth. I pull the tie out and smile sadly at him.

"All tied up love?"

"Your jokes are awful. You're lucky your smart and pretty. Honestly we're going to have to work on that when we're dating," Fred smirks.

I stop smiling and put the tie back in his mouth, "you really are cuter when you aren't speaking."

I start casting spells to untie him and heal his wounds. Ron did not go easy on his brother. There were some bite marks too. Hermione wasn't one to bite but I could practically see ron jumping at Fred and biting him while Hermione binds him. I laugh at the thought.

I start feeling like I was forgetting about something. Like something was missing. Fred still had the tie in his mouth. I actually liked it when he talked. I take it out. He glares at me and I just grab his other hand so I can heal the bruises. I trace the spell's wand motion with my finger and whisper the incantation. I didn't have to whisper them. It works if I just think it but I liked to.

"This reminds me of when you were healing me after the duel," Fred smiles.

"It should I was doing the same thing," I play with his hands for a but, "My healing magic is better when I have some sort of contact with the patient. Never going to be a healer, that's for sure. It would be suspicious since I'm rubbish at healing with a wand."

"I love you," Fred whispers.

"What was that?" I get up offering my hand so he can get up.

"Nothing," Fred mumbles and gets up on his own.

"Oh. Ok then," I say and make my way back out the tunnel. Fred follows but he's far behind me.

I really didn't hear what he said.

Once I'm out of the tunnel I see Dumbledore walking by Snape. Harry, George, Hermione, and Ron were just waiting for their punishment. I suddenly feel a wave of exhaustion. I decide I'd jsut collapse and fall asleep. I'd get a day off from school and delay my punishment.

I sleep.

Fred <3Where stories live. Discover now