"I think I know a few things he might like." The pen in Skylors hand continues to relentlessly write down another few words, the page already being halfway used by now. "Alright, anything else?"

"Morro isn't picky, and he doesn't eat much either." Emilie shrugs, her arms crossed on the table in front of us, "So, I think the Miso soup would be enough for him." She leans her head down until her chin was resting against her forearm, eyes closing as if she was going to take a quick nap.

"Huh, a previous ghost eating Miso soup." I barely heard Skylor murmur to herself, a small giggle leaving her lips as she quickly writes the order down. "Okay, that's one of the easier orders down. Next?" She pushes on, flipping the page of her notepad over to the other side.

"This one shouldn't be too much trouble." Kat's brown eyes connect with her sisters own amber ones with an easy smile, "Egg rolls and fried rice, another bag of fortune cookies and Chen's Cheesecake will do, thanks."

"It's definitely one of the easier ones to dish up." The orange wearing woman chuckles, dotting down the order as swiftly and neatly as she could. She finishes and lifts her head to nod towards me, "Last but not least?"

I purse my lips and quickly run the order over in my head to make sure I wouldn't fumble over my words like an absolute fool before speaking, "Lloyd's usual. Chicken Satay Noodles, Yatsuhashi and since everyone else ordered fortune cookies, I'll take a bag of them as well."

"Sounds good to me." She grins brightly, jotting my words down and with a final click of her pen she shoots our group a quick finger guns, "I'll get that out to you guys as fast as I can. I take it this is going on Kat's tab?"

"You know it." Kat was quick to agree with a simple nod of her head, her voice almost making Emilie knock her head against the table with how abrupt she spoke. I just manage to hold back my laughter while Kat quietly apologises the the fluffy haired brunette.

"I'll go give the kitchen their tasks then. Be right back." Skylor rips out the two pages worth of orders and marches off to the kitchens doors, her strong voice already shouting out to the workers.

"Well," Leaning back into the cushions of the booth, Nya crosses her arms over her chest and sighs, "Today has been tiring, despite not doing much." She pauses for a brief second, grey eyes lifting to stare up at the ceiling, "Though, I suppose that happens when your brain is stuffed full of new information."

The group hums along with her and I feel myself deflate a little. Sighing, I reach up and run my hand through my hair with a wince, "Yeah, I'm really sorry for not letting you guys into the loop." I drop my hand into my lap, fingers nimbly toying with one of the many rings on my fingers, "I know you all seem okay with it now, but I feel like utter shit for not talking about everything with you all."

A hand being places on my forearm makes me jolt in surprise, my gaze coming up to meet Maddy's. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly, her words coming out hesitantly, "We're glad it's all out in the open now, but the harder part is coming up."

"Right." I bite the corner of my lip, averting my attention back to my hands, "Telling the others. Telling Lloyd." I groan, flopping my head into my hands. Why have I made things so difficult for myself. I've had so many opportunities to just come out and speak to him, but I just had to mess that up too.

A part of me hopes he gets upset at me, I would honestly deserve it. I feel like I deserve every bit of anger he has to be directed at me, full force. How would I react if he had a whole other life that I didn't know about? Would I get so upset that our relationship would get torn apart? Will that be the ending for us when I end up spilling everything? What would I do then? I couldn't bare to look at him if it all ended there.

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