Chapter 14 - Battle Over Venus

Start from the beginning

"It amazes me how much manpower the Sovereign can spare just so they can assist a rebellion," Marina muttered under her breath.

"All units take out those Sovereign destroyers!" Dain commanded over the communications. "Incoming Raiders!" Ars followed as their Raider flew past them as its two forward guns and missile pods were activated as they saw a combined force of Sovereign Kataphracts and Rebel Raiders.

"Let's do this!" Both Alon and Marina smiled in unison as they flew forward and followed Dain and Ars' lead until they finally outrun them as they began to open fire at incoming Mechs that have already deployed to intercept them.

"Naga, you have Kataphracts on your tail!" A Loyalist told him as they shot down a handful of Raiders while dodging the fire from a handful of Mechs began to fire at them.

"You trust me right?" Alon asked as alarms began to let out indicating that they are being locked on.

"When have I not?" Marina replied as Alon smiled as though telling her to hold on as he speed up even faster but never bothered to change course as the Kataphracts on their tail sped up as well. Alon took a sharp turn that even with the straps on their seats, the backlash on that turn had notably affected their internal organs but it managed to throw the Kataphracts off their control and crash along the bridge of the warship erupting in a blaze destroying the first Warship in the process.

"Great job Naga!" Dain shouted as he and a few other Pilots cheered as Alon and Marina turned and began to open fire at the Bridge of the Second Warship shattering the first line of defence.

"If I try that again please punch me," Alon whispered to Marina who let out a pained grunt of agreement.

"All Memento Mori Operators, this is Lighthouse." Hayato opened up communications with all Memento Mori pilots. "The Mechs are now prepared for Combat, swap out now so you all can buy time for the Loyalists to send their Mechs!"

Finally. Alon thought as he manoeuvred their way out of the crossfire and sped up back to the Luna Sea where upon landing on the main hangar. Tsuna was already preparing in his own Custom Zio while Dain has yet to arrive.

Both Alon and Marina floated out of the cockpit but the first thing that Marina did was to immediately kick him in the back causing him to float towards his ReZio thanks to the low gravity. "That's for pulling something that dangerous," Marina said as she floated her way towards the other Raider where Henri was waving over her expecting her to fly with her in their Raider.

"I'll keep that in mind," Alon smiled as he grabbed the hatch of the cockpit and threw himself inside and connected his Gestalt Adapter to the ReZio as he watched Henri and Marina fly out into the battle in their Raider.

"Any notable upgrades to keep in mind?" Alon asked Wu as he began to activate the engine of his ReZio.

"Not much, just added more armour plating but it's shaped differently for more mobility in space!" Wu answered as he floated towards the Dain's custom Zio as Dain and Ars finally landed. Alon meanwhile made his way towards the launchpad and took deep breaths as mentally prepared himself for yet another sortie into the fight.

Here we go again, Alon thought as he gripped the controls tightly. For Marina and my family.

"The objective is to take out those ships to buy us time to escape," Hayato ordered as Alon prepared the final details of the ReZio.

"Naga, taking off."

But just as he launched his blood ran cold as he saw an oncoming Carrier and Mechs following on their tail, if Alon and the rest of the Pilots are unable to carve a path out of the battle then there's a chance they'll be cornered here.

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