Looking to the Future

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Eden was in her new apartment setting things up, doing her best to move around the heavy furniture in the way she wanted it to be set up. She was almost fully moved in to her new place, only a few boxes were left at her mom's house. It had been a few days since she had heard from Bob and Eden was doing her best to stay busy while he was away but she found that she was constantly worried about him.

She knew Penny felt the same way because her aunt had taken Amelia on a boating trip just as an excuse to get away so she didn't have to sit around and wait. Penny had offered to take Eden with them but Eden had declined, determined to be there as soon as Bob was back. But as the days passed, she was beginning to regret it.

A buzz at her door surprised Eden, she wasn't expecting anyone so she looked through her curtains to see who was on her step. She couldn't see anyone because he view was blocked by a tree so she sighed, dropping the box in her hand to the ground to prop open her apartment door. Throwing open the building's door she saw Bob leaning up against the side of the doorway, flowers in hand, and a goofy grin on his face. 

Eden sprang forward wrapping her arms around Bob pulling him into a hug.

"What are you doing here? When did you get back? I'm so glad you're safe, I was so worried." 

He laughed and hugged her back tightly.

"I'm here. I'm safe," he said. "I stopped by to see you at your mom's but she told me you'd be here. You didn't tell me you got a new place." 

"It all happened so fast I guess I forgot and then you were gone," she said. "Why didn't you text me and tell me you were back. I would've met you at the dorm houses or at the Hard Deck." 

"Well here's the thing," he started, holding out the bunch of flowers in his hand for Eden to take. "I was thinking I've never taken you out on a proper date, and I wasn't about to wait any longer." 

Eden thought she might melt. She loved this man so much. 

"You are the sweetest man I've ever know Robert Floyd, and as much going on a date with you right now sounds perfect, I think we should push it back to tonight. I could use some help moving some furniture in my bedroom." 

"Eddie, I can help you out with that anytime. I don't think I follow." 

Eden raised an eyebrow suggestively. 

"Oh...," he said catching on to what Eden was intending. "Well then, by all means, lead the way." 

Eden grabbed his hand pulling him upstairs into her apartment. They got to the kitchen and Eden wrestled with the box that she had propped in the door, pushing the apartment door closed. Turning around she saw Bob leaning up against her kitchen counter. She stepped forward until she was nose to nose with him. Bob leaned in close, trailing his hands down to her thighs. Eden felt Bob's lips against her ear as he whispered "jump." She obliged and Bob caught her pulling her legs around his waist and propping her up against the counter. 

He kissed up and down her neck and Eden leaned her head back to give him easier access. Her breath was getting heavy and her chest was heaving as she got lost in the way that Bob felt. His lips moved up her neck again until they reached her ear. 

"I have news," he said.

"Yeah?" Eden said trying to concentrate on what he was saying instead of the fire burning beneath her skin. 

"Do you remember I said that my assignment had ended and that I needed to apply for a new placement?" 

"Bob is this really the time?" she asked running her hands through his hair.

"Come now, be patient. You're going to want to hear this," he said grabbing her hands and pinning them to the counter. "Do you remember?"

"Yes I remember," she huffed trying to free her arms, determined to touch him.

"Well I put in an application and I got the answer today." Eden stopped moving and pulled back so that she could look Bob in the eyes. She raised her eyebrows urging him to continue. "I got a position teaching at Top Gun. I'm moving to Mirimar. I can't imagine being away from you again." 

Eden jumped off the counter and threw herself into Bob's arms as he spun her around in a hug. Eden knew things were going to be alright as long as Bob was with her and she couldn't help that she had already started planning for the future. 

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