Hey Eddie?

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Eden was feeling great. Everything that she had been worrying about for so long seemed to fade into the background as she and her mom tracked down a new place for her to live and she made plans to officially settle down in Mirimar. Eden text Bob to tell him that she had found a new place and would be moving in at the end of the month but she didn't receive a response. She waited a full day before texting him again, but again no reply. She was starting to get worried so she decided to call him. It rang, and rang, and rang until finally she heard his voice over the line. 

"Heya Eddie," he said. Eden immediately knew something was wrong because he sounded short of breath like he was in pain.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"Oh it's nothing, just a slight crash. I had to spend some time in the med bay but I got cleared this afternoon. I meant to text but I was dead tired and slept as soon as I got home."

Eden's heart dropped. 

"A crash? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine honestly. A couple of bruises, nothing permanent."

"You're at the dorm houses?" she asked.

"Yes...," he responded slowly, raising his voice slightly at the end as if it was a question.

"I'm coming over."

Before he could protest Eden hung up the phone. Her hands were shaking. She couldn't believe that he had crashed. Rushing to her car she sped to the dorm houses, banging on the door when she got there. A confused Hangman opened the door, and pointed to Bob's room up the stairs.

She stood in front of the door for a moment, evening out her breathing, and contemplated knocking. She raised her hand to knock and then lowered it again. What was she doing here? She was being dramatic. He probably didn't even want her here. 

"I can see your shadow under the door. You can come in," his voice called out. Well, no turning back now.

 She pushed the door open watching as the light crept across the room landing on where he sat on the foot of his bed. She scanned him from head to toe looking for any sign of injuries. He had a bandage on his arm and a slight cut on his lip but other than that he looked fine. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"You didn't need to come over. I'm really fine. Phoenix got the worst of it." 

"You can't just say things like 'I got in a plane crash' and expect me to not panic."

"I guess you're right, but it's just a hazard of the job. Not the first time I've been in a crash and definitely won't be the last."

"You're insane. Truly." Eden couldn't believe that he was so casually talking about a plane crash as if it was a hammer to the thumb.

"Maybe, but I'm also starving. Want to stay for food?" he asked. She nodded and followed Bob down to the back deck seeing a few of the other Top Gun students gathered around. They nodded to her in greeting, encouraging her to grab a seat at the picnic table they were gathered around. As they ate she realized that the accident must be more common than she thought because no one else seemed too worried about Bob or Phoenix despite her also being bandaged. She found her gaze kept drifting over to Bob throughout the night as if she needed to reassure herself that he was ok. The weird sensation of being watched made her turn and see Hangman looking over at her with a funny look on his face but he simply smiled and turned back to his conversation when she caught him. 

It was getting late so she excused herself to duck inside and give her mom a call to let her know she wouldn't be home for a while. She didn't notice Hangman getting up from his chair and following her in. She especially didn't notice Bob glaring at Hangman's receding back as he followed her. After a quick check in with her mom she turned finally noticing Hangman standing behind her in the doorway of the kitchen. 

"You like Bob," he said bluntly.

She let out a nervous giggle trying to think of what to say.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends."

"No way. I've had a hunch for weeks. You like Bob. Why don't you just date the guy?"

"He's not interested. Trust me." 

Hangman looked out of the kitchen window as if looking for something, and then, as if he saw what he was looking for, he took a step forward turning his attention back to Eden. 

"Watch this," he said stepping right into Eden's space. She backed away in confusion but he stopped her with an arm around her waist. "Trust me." 

He leaned down slowly towards her and Eden stood there frozen. What was happening?

The sound of the back door sliding open caused Eden to look over Hangman's shoulder. There was Bob standing in the kitchen doorway. Her mouth dropped open and she sputtered trying to figure out how to explain what was happening when she didn't even really know herself. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? No I can't do this again." He moved across the kitchen in two quick strides and pulled Hangman's shoulder back and away from Eden. He looked at her with such intensity. She looked back and forth between Bob and Hangman still trying to process what happened.

"Hey Eddie?" he said trying to keep her attention. "I'm in love with you."

Hangman smirked and backed away slowly. 

"You've got to be kidding me," Eden said backing up until the back of her legs hit a chair. She slumped down grateful for the support. She didn't say anything, she couldn't think of anything to say. Her mind was blank. 

Bob waited for a few moments before sitting down at the table across from her. He scratched his head, looking up at her from under his eyelashes waiting for her to say something. 

"Hey Eddie?" he said finally.

"Mhm?" she responded turning to meet his gaze.

"Are you in love with me?"


"Ok well great. That's good then." 

His face lit up in a goofy smile and Eden's followed soon after. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, she also started laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. They sat there like that for a minute, smiling and laughing at each other across the kitchen table. After the laughter died down, silence filled the room and they both seemed to realize at once the gravity of what had just been said. Bob stood up quickly, his chair scraping noisily along the kitchen floor and moved so he was standing in front of Eden. He placed his hands on either side of her thighs on the chair and leaned down close to her face. She could focus on nothing else but him.

"I feel a little light headed," she said and immediately regretted it because Bob leaned back on his heels pulling away slightly. She needed to learn not to say everything she was thinking out loud.

"I uh... don't know how to respond to that."

"Ignore it and just kiss me already." 

He moved one hand to cup the side of her face, pulling her forwards into a kiss.

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