forgiveness,happiness,and KICKS

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*okay here we go!*


Marrige? i dont think were ready for that? Of course i still love him but, does he really think this is the right time to do this?

"How about we talk about that after the thearpy session okay?"

"okay baby. i love you, with every being in my body. I know i've made mistakes but i dont ever want to lose you. My life, no, i actually wouldny have a life without you. Your my ray of sunshine and everything i've ever wanted." he whisperrd by my ear. He nuzzled his nose by my cheek. "you were a challange at first baby but im glad i made it."


"trey, that was beautiful and i love you too, i wouldnt try so hard if i didnt." i said just above a whisper.

I grasped his hand so we could walk back in but savannah was already heading out. It did bother me that she did make that comment but im not the type of person to hold a grudge.

"um, im really sorry what i said but i've thought about what i wanted to do and i think i just need a break. Im sorry again. talk later." she walked off before i could even reply. I wonder what her desision is but, i hope its a good one. My phone buzzed and it was an alarm telling me we had 15 mins til the therapy session.

"babe we gotta go." i said grabbing my gucci bag , my juicy glasses and my michel kors bag. I hoped in the passenger seat and we were off.

Jerome Pov

Hey guys. Dont hate me. I know that the last time yall rember me and think im just tryna pass down what i got but thats not the case anymore. Dont belive me just watch. Anyway shay called me and said to meet up at Jimbo's, bar&grill, for a chat. I think she wants to break up but the thing is i need to tell her what i have. We had sex once but i was extra careful. We had sex at least 2 weeks ago. I feel sinful. I've been at church latley and im closer to god and more certain with my surrondings. Also good news, i have been taking this medicine for almost a 2 years and i have to take it for one more month and im clean for life but the problem is it will be hard to have kids. I rather be hiv free than kids. I was twisting around in the chair by the bar. I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

"can i get a dirty martini,very dirty please"

I look to my right and relize its savannah. My eyes widened. I havent seen savannah since that day she found out.

"savannah?" i asked. She looked at me and i think she relized who i am,because her eyes grew wide.She coughed a little on her drink.

"um. Jerome? hey. uh hows it been?"she questioned

"im good. im gunna be hiv negative soon and im more clear on what i nees to do with my life. What about you?"

"wow, you've really matured. um. Im good, living life to the fullest just a little stressed out."

"I could tell, i rember you never really liked drinking."

"haha, you rember?"

"yeah. i'll never forget." i said with a big smile. She smiled back and bit her lip and looked down.

Savannah POV

"I should go. Got important things to do." i said kinda shaky.

"okay well" he started writing something on a napkin." heres my number, if you ever need friend to talk to." he handed it to me.

"Thank rome, your so good now and im happy for you. I will probably call ya later okay. maybe we could hang." i said

"Okay babygirl, see ya later"

I walked out of the bar and i cant belive i just saw jerome. I wont lie he looked really good and he cleans up well. ugh. lemme stop. I walked to my benz and hopped in. I put the key in the ignition and i looked out the passanger window and saw this girl that looked too famaliar. whatever. I've decided that me and Prod needa a break. Just so i can understand everything.

Shayla Pov

I just got at the bar and jerome was sitting there grinning to himself.

"why so happy" i questioned

"oh nothin just saw a long time friend, so what did you wanna talk about."

"" i couldnt say it i dont know how too. omg come on shay stop being a pussy. okay okay i got this.

"pregneat"i said more like a question

"you are" jerome said standing up.

"wait dont leave okay, we can work throug(gco)"

"Im happy. were gunna be a family baby." he said all excited.

I wasn't expecting this at all. I just embraced him back and we kissed.


2 days later


Lexi POV

"Prince massage my backk!!" i whined.

"im coming" he said. Im in my first tri-mester and everything is hurting. My back and my feet are starting to swell. I starting to feel fat after i eat. This is just weird.

"your not a good massuger"

"well sorry im all you got unless you expecting me to get a pro."

"oh would you that would be terrific" i said not relizing he was beung sarcastic. He gave me a 'are you serious' glare and i shurgged.

"babe we have to send savannah flowers tommarrow for her b-day. Plus she's having a party"


"your gunna forget" i pouted

"no im not "he massged lower to my ass

"prince." he didnt even respond

"are you listening to me?"

"listening to what?" he mumbled playing with my ass.

"Prince focus!"

"I am focusing......on dat ass" he tried mumbling the last part.

"nigga get off." i got up and "whoa"

"whats wrong baby" princed asked.I held my stomach. And it occured again. Tears started flying out of my eyes.

"its kicking" i whispered.

"lemme feel" prince put his hand on my belly and it kicked again. We looked up at each other and smiled.

"we are going to have the best baby ever and your going to be the perfect mommy" prince said wiping my tears.

"Your going to be the perfect daddy"

*okayy how you like? comment please and hmm vote of coursee. and thank lexi for the little hack note. it made my night. anywayy lets get to our usual recap.

Soo, SAVANNAH wants a break from prod. TASHA and trey working it out. LEXI is feeling her first kicks with prince and SHAY is preggers and jerome is sticking around.

Wow, everyone seems so happy...haha looks like im gunna have to change that. mwahaha. okay guys LETS GET EITHER 100 READS OR 5COMMENTS 143 LOVE YALL -TASHA

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