8 - Hunt

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The Port was bigger than Cedric remembered, and definitely fancier than when it was first built. It used to be a platform made on either side of a ladder like steel track nailed to the ground that extended beyond ones vision to the east and the west with a platform roofed from above.

Now the platform was a double story building with arches for entrances and boards mentioning the schedule. There were counters to buy tickets, washrooms on one side, canteens somewhere else and benches for the guests. At the double doored entrance, one could see a golden chandelier whose crystals reflected the light falling onto to on the wall, creating glistening patterns to awe the mind. Guarding the double doors were guards carrying long black slender tubes wearing vermillion coats instead of armor with glittering silver buttons.

But what Sapphire found most amusing was the large wooden notice board at the entrance with sketches and pictures of faces.

"Why is there alot of pictures of people?" Sapphire asked, pointing at a portrait of a pointy nosed man with frilly dark hair and a moustache.

"Wanted posters," Cedric replied.

"What are those?"

"Pictures of criminals the authorities want to find. They expect that when civilians see these pictures, they would inform the city guard in case they see the real person. One gets usually paid for the information."

"But, why is it here?"

It really didn't match with the grandiosity of the building behind.

"Because the port has a rule that when one gets into the Iron Dragon, no one can be arrested. They can only be arrested when they step out of it, and it's usually in another kingdom. The authorities of a kingdom can't arrest a person standing in foreign land. So they try to catch wanted criminals before they get on board, when they are still inside the Port."

Sapphire didn't quite understand, but she believed she got an idea.

"So, if we climb to the Iron Dragon, no one can chase us?"


"What if the bad people try to do something bad inside?"

"They have their own guards to deal with those inside," Cedric said, using his eyes to show the red clothed guards.

"What are those things they are carrying?"

"I really don't know. The last time I was here, it was thirty years ago."

The queue was not as long as Cedric feared. He heard from the the gossips here and there that a ticket to ride on the Iron Dragon was expensive and that there were different classes of services depending on the budget.

Still, they had to wait in line for quite some time. While they waited, Cedric rummaged through his satchel, feeling for the hidden compartment where he remembered he hid his token long ago. Daisy snorted from besides them. They weren't the only ones ready to transport horses. But most carried heavy bags and sacks. There were three lines depending on the class of tickets they wanted. The first class with the best services were almost empty. The second class had some important looking men and nicely dressed ladies with lace rimmed umbrellas, waiting. The third class line had the longest queue, to which Cedric joined.

When Cedric's and Sapphire's turn arrived, Cedric presented the token, hoping it was still valid.

The moment he presented the small golden plated card to the ticket cashier, the cashier's eyes bulged. He called a guard, whispering to his ears before sending him running. Two guards flanked Cedric, Sapphire and the horse while people around them started to murmur in confusion.

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