1 - The Physician

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"My back aches."

"Yes. Mr. Collins, I am quite aware."

"I can't lift anything heavy with this darn thing!"

"Back support is crucial for weight bearing, Mr. Collins."

A book fell open. A hand rummaged through a collection of jars, picking one up to see the neatly scribbled labels pasted on it.

"Is there anything better you have to reduce the pain?"

A face frowned as it looked back at the patient.

"It would work, if you cut down on your alcohol and stop unnecessarily  straining your body."

The old man tried to stand from his stool, but could only sit back with a hiss as he clutched his back. "What does my ale have to do with this?"

"It's unhealthy."

"I don't drink that much," the old man muttered. His voice raised, "I can't be a youngling like you still are. We are old. Ale and a few chatter are all we have, boy. And my knees hurt too. It's so stiff in the morning."

Cedric couldn't help but look back at the old man and sigh. He finally found the jar he was searching for before he scooped a few spoonfuls into a small wooden container. It was small and delicate, more suited for holding rouge than medicine, and it most likely did.

"It's the same medication, Mr. Collins. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done for old joints."

"Oh," the old man muttered, quite disappointed.

Cedric walked to the herb garden near the window before plucking a few tips off a flower plant that hung on ropes attached to the water eaten ceiling supports. The afternoon sunlight seeped through the open windows as a slow breeze flew in. The other hanging pots swayed softly while a wind chime by the window knocked it's trinkets against each other.

"But I can add another pain reliever. You would need to drink it though. But beware, take too much and you will have bigger problems."

"So it's poison?" The old man exclaimed.

"All medicine are poisonous with the right amount. I will give it to your daughter with instructions."

"I ain't a looney old man yet boy, don't get too cocky!"

Cedric handed the old man the small wooden box. "Not looney, but not sensible either. Besides, I need some time to make it. You can leave for now Mr. Collins."

The old man grunted as he stood. He slipped his balm into his trouser pocket and watched as the young man went to the corner of the room where flasks and burners laid hazardously on a table top.

"I heard Pricella asked for your hand."

Cedric froze. But his hands moved again.

"Yes, it seems."

The leaf tips fell on a tiny mortar. A grinder followed, crushing the leaves as green juices spilled out. 

"So you won't consider? Pricella is a beautiful and talented girl. You won't loose anything by marrying her."

"It would be the other way around, Mr. Collins."

The old man barked out in laughter, only to find himself supporting his body weight on a table as his lungs protested in pain. Fortunately, the table was simply filled with books. The contents on top the other tables were questionable enough to avoid.

"Why boy! You are a doctor and a handsome one at that. Girls only look for looks and you have more than enough of that."

Cedric raised a brow as he looked over his shoulders at the old man.

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