2 - Bloodling

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It was a sight Cedric never thought he would ever see again. He couldn't help but look back at the gate, which remained open, looming suspiciously with the young ones peeking inside from their posts.

Cedric bent down and touched the man's forehead. It was burning hot. The skin under his eyes were pale and his pulse as quick as that of a terrified rabbit.

"Get him inside," Cedric said.

"Right this way," the village chief said.

"We have him some wound powder, but it didn't seem to work," a man said. It took a while for Cedric to notice the man. His presence was quite imposing with his silver armor and vermillion cloak, neatly cropped hair and cleanly shaved beard. He was middle ages at most with a few graying hairs and a very serious expression. The quality of his attire was enough to tell that he was on nobility. Hence, a knight.

Cedric stood up as the soldiers lifted the wounded man and followed the village chief. He turned to the boys.

"Close the gate and get inside."

The boys looked at each other, confused.

"Listen to him and close the gates," a man, probably a hunter yelled. "Whatever attacked him could be outside!"

The boys hurried in while the men pushed the gates closed.

"I need to grab some herbs," Cedric said, quickly turning towards the gates.

"Doctor?" A boy shrieked.

A hand caught  hold of the him.

"You are needed here doctor."

Cedric looked behind. It was the serious man from earlier.  

"I need sedatives," Cedric replied. "I have none at hand."

"Why sedatives?"

"Do you know what bit him?" Cedric asked.

"Are you leaving doctor Gregory?" A villager asked, waiting to close the gates.

The knight didn't reply. "Then I shall accompany you."

Cedric didn't want an escort but he did not have the energy to argue. To turned to one of the boys, "Tell Madam Helen that I will arrive shortly. I need some herbs."

With the groceries at hand, Cedric was just about to walk out of the gates when a horse neighed from behind.

"Can you ride?" The knight asked.

Cedric nodded.

"Give this man a horse!"

A soldier brought a saddels horse, which seemed to be protesting against the sudden shift in activity. Cedric didn't comment on anything but simply climbed up and rode away, leaving the knight behind.

"He can ride surprisingly well," the knight noted before he followed from behind.

Cedric rode to his hut as fast as he could. At times, the seemingly small walking distance seemed like a an eternity away during an emergency. He once remembered having to attend a delivery where he stayed at the tavern for a whole seven days just to be there when the baby was due. At times, his seemingly serene adobe nested in the confines forest life and free from the hubdub of civilization, has it's disadvantages.

The moment Cedric reached his hut, he threw his groceries to onto his chair and pulled out all of the sedatives he had onto his satchel. He even took some extra fever medicine. The loud footsteps of the knight followed from behind.

"Let's go," Cedric said as he hurried out and got onto the horse.

"Since how long has he been bitten?" Cedric asked.

The Blood Knightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें