Week 2, Day 4

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The first thing I noticed when I awoke in the morning was a piece of paper that looked to have been slipped under my room door. I rubbed my eyes groggily, clambering out of bed. I sat back on my calves as I read the contents of the paper. It informed all guests of the hotel that today's meals will be self-served from the all-you-can-eat buffet as the head chef has gotten sick, therefore there will be no specialized meals.

I glanced at the bed, licking my dry lips, contemplating whether I should speak to him or leave him alone for today as well for safe measure. Just as I was about to get up, I felt warm and secure arms wrap around my body. I stiffened for a white hot second before melting into his touch.

"Hey," I greeted softly. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and mumbled in response,

"I'm sorry for ignoring you yesterday, I promise I wasn't mad at you."

I frowned slightly at the minimal yet notable emphasis when he referred to himself. I reached a hand up to the nape of his neck and lightly played with the ends of his hair. I heard his breath hitch in his throat.

"It's alright, I forgive you," I told him honestly. I was rather confused at his sudden change of behavior yesterday but perhaps it had something to do with his current state, so I could reach no possible conclusion until he told me what exactly this all was.

He loosened his hold on me to face me. His eyes were glazed with a look that told me he wasn't accustomed to forgiveness. I gingerly cupped his cheek as I planted a kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he kissed the palm of my hand.

"Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. I shook my head, dismissing his unnecessary gratitude.

A moment of silence passed as we sat on the floor of my room, holding each other before I asked him,

"Breakfast is self-served today, anything you'd like me to get for you?"

"Just strawberries," he answered sheepishly.

"Of course." I kissed his cheek before reluctantly removing myself from his arms and going to the bathroom to freshen up. Afterwards, I changed into lighter material clothes for today was the first day of many where I would take items, little by little, to set up the stall. He was nowhere in the room so I assumed he'd wait for me under the bed.

As I descended the stairs, I thought about what it must look like down there. What it must feel like, if it ever got lonely which I'm sure it did. I walked absent-mindedly towards the buffet tables laid out in front of the kitchen doors, a few feet from the lobby desk when Hwan Woong called out my name and waved me over.

"Good morning," I greeted him as I dipped my head respectfully.

"Morning," he returned the gesture with a full bow. He passed me a tray and told me to feel free to take whatever I liked and that I could eat either downstairs on the set up tables or take the tray up to my room. He then nudged me in the ribs as he jokingly commented that I shan't feel ashamed if I ever come back for seconds. I giggled at this before moving about the tables, deciding what to choose.

I prepared myself a cup of black coffee as my eyes grazed over the various items. Once that was ready, I reached out for a small bowl of oatmeal. Down the line were several plates of toast, some left bare for guests to pick their own spreads, some smothered with smooth, bright green avocado. I couldn't resist the urge as I reached out for one. When I reached the table that had the mini fruit bowls, I was gutted to find it empty. But I did catch one last plate of cheesecake with shiny strawberry sauce dripping down the sides as well as a man who was eyeing it as he added a few poached eggs to his tray. I walked over nonchalantly, picking the plate up. He gaped at me to which I acted oblivious and bowed politely.

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