Week 2, Day 6

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I came through the door, drenched as a severe thunderstorm decided to rain down upon us the second I stepped out of the carriage from my third trip to the fairgrounds. Thankfully, the boxes once full of shirts and vests were salvaged as I immediately tucked them into my coat while practically running for my life.

He, who was lounging on the window seat, had the audacity to laugh at me. Though I had the irresistible urge to slap him silly - only and only because he looked purely happy - I didn't. I worked to peel my wet coat off of me, and to he who simply just sat there (still laughing mind you), I sighed exasperatedly, my coat not even halfway down my shoulders, I semi-yelled, "Could you at least offer a hand?".

He threw his head back as another fit of giggles overtook his body, and that was when I understood he was going to be of no help. Not too long after I continued to struggle, I felt his hands on mine, gently pushing them away as he pulled the rest of the coat off the length of my arms.

I sighed, relieved this time. "Thank you."

He hummed in response, wrapping his arms around my soaked torso and planting a feathery kiss to my neck. I let out a satisfied breath through my nose as I closed my eyes and leaned further into him.

"Don't get too comfortable, I need to talk to you," he warned me, still very much attached to me.

I swiveled to face him, loosely hanging my arms off his shoulders. "Can it wait?" I asked, cupping one of his cheeks and bringing him into a long kiss.

Despite his moan at the end of the kiss that begged for more, his firm hands on my waist distanced me.

I ran a hand through my clumpy, wet hair, keeping it at the back of my head.

"It's just, I think I'm ready. . .to explain this to you," he began as he gestured to himself, "if you still care to know that is." He hung his head and fiddled with his fingers.

I smiled lovingly at him. He was this precious yet mysterious thing in my life, and that rather uncommon combination made me love him even more.

"I'm ready whenever you're ready," I told him softly. He looked up at me and matched my smile gratefully.

He then reached a hand out to me, almost child-like, and I gave him one of mine. He led me to the window seat where he was previously situated, and let me get comfortable before he licked his lips and wringed his hands together.

"You don't have to tell me if. . .," I started but he shook his head vigorously.

"I do, I want you to know, and I had it all planned out but now that we're actually here. . . it's just a lot harder," he admitted with a sheepish smile.

"It's okay, take your time," I assured him. I scooched in closer, rubbing what I hoped were soothing circles on his arm. He spent quite a bit taking in breaths, glancing out the window and darting his tongue from corner to corner of his mouth.

"Alright so," he piped up, and I devoted all of my attention to him.

"That weekend, the one after the party we had met at, I don't know if you remember but I told you about this band that some friends and I started?" He raised his eyes to me hopefully, and I nodded eagerly because I did remember.

"Well, the four of us went to the marketplace to cool off after a gig we had done in a Lasphian pub. Afterwards, we exited through the Azleim side and saw a witch making her way back into the city. Her coat was all tattered and she was hunched over herself and I-I don't know what came over me," he narrated, suddenly sounding ashamed of himself. This made me shift in my place. I didn't know what I was about to hear, but I had a feeling it would be something the him I know wouldn't do or say. That created a doubt within myself that whatever he did or said wasn't entirely his doing.

Monster (ONEUS Seoho x Ravn/Seojo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt