Week 2, Day 3

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I woke up more rejuvenated than I've ever felt before. Rather than dreading the possibility of yet another day gone to waste due to Mister Na Mil's inability to call me back for some reason or the other - I was thrilled.

Because he was here, and I could reach him, and there was hope, even if the smallest bit.

I hopped out of bed and walked briskly to the bathroom, glancing over at the bed with a faint smile. I came out and changed, just in time to Hwan Woong knocking at my door. I swung it open a bit too quickly, startling the poor bell hopper on the other side, almost causing him to drop my breakfast tray.

"Sorry," I apologized bashfully as I bowed slightly.

"No, no," he dismissed it, shaking his head before his eyes scrutinized me up and down, a rather impish smirk turning up a corner of his lips.

"What's or should I say who's gotten you so happy, hmm Mister Lee?" he teased, quirking up an eyebrow as he handed me the tray.

I rolled my eyes as I scoffed, the smile breaking through nonetheless. He let out a tiny gasp. "There is someone."

"What have you been doing these days?" he continued, even throwing in a playful shoulder punch.

I carefully considered my response.

I slowly backed away, balancing the tray in one hand as I proceeded to close the door. "Let's just say I have something to look forward to."

I winked at him before spinning on my heel, shutting the door as I did so.

Jitters buzzed around inside my body like popcorn popping at the theatres. Most cliche romance novels talk about love being this magical thing that comes unexpectedly and if it's true, the spark will persist even if the lovers take some time apart from one another. I never imagined myself saying this but they might as well be right.

As I set the tray on the window seat exactly in the middle so that there would be enough space for the two of us to sit on either side, I knelt beside the bed and tapped on the wooden panel like I had done the first time. I waited patiently as I hugged my knees until he tapped from the other side.

"Hi," I started softly then giggled as I covered my mouth with both hands. I was new to love, bare with me. "I was just wondering if you'd like to eat breakfast with me," I offered.

"Of course you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought. . .," I began to ramble when the vacuum sound blared, and I was quite confused at first for he was nowhere in sight. Then I heard someone whistle a light-hearted tune, and I looked over my shoulder to see him seated at the window. His iconic smirk was forever etched onto his lips as he gave me a tiny wave.

"Good morning," I greeted cheerfully as I got up and joined him.

"Morning," he returned the gesture with a respectful dip of his head. I noticed his extremely relaxed demeanor as his back slouched against the wall, one leg crossed as the other dangled from the seat. As if this were normal. As if we live together and made it a point to always have breakfast together. As if we were a couple.

He stared at the tray, perplexion creating a crease in the middle of his forehead as he frowned. I did find this rather strange for recognizing everyday foods didn't seem like much of a task but with whatever state he was in, perhaps it was expected.

"Would you like me to give you a bit of everything?" I asked hesitantly, leaning in ever so slightly. He nodded almost desperately.

"Don't worry, not a problem," I assured him as I pulled up my sleeves. He sighed with a relieved smile. I smiled back at him before bowing my head so that he wouldn't be able to catch my blush.

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