Week 1, Day 4

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After That Night

I was in our business's main store in Wingston, stocking the shelves with the new supply of clothes that had come in the morning. I reserved some pieces in order to change out the mannequins with the new men's summer collection Father had released a few days ago.

As I emptied out the boxes, I also wrote out receipts for each supplier we worked with for this new collection and folded up the empty boxes to throw away later. Since Father was in Lasphia for a press conference, I was free to use the radio for music of my liking.

I put the pen behind my ear after writing my latest receipt and hummed along with the music as I opened up the next box, filled with the large-sized pants. I carried four at a time to the shelves with their respective labels, changing the little paper slips if need be.

I was so absorbed with work I didn't resonate with, that I almost didn't hear the bell atop the entrance door ring until someone cleared their throat.

"Sorry, we're-," I started as I looked up only to find my older sister, Ji A, standing there. She wore her dark, straight locks open opposed to her usual braids or up-dos, and I noticed she adorned her favorite knee-length, yellow day dress.

"Hello," I greeted her, a wide smile breaking out onto my face. She returned the greeting as she walked over. We engulfed each other in a hug before she pulled away and tsked while fixing my hair of the same shade as hers. It had probably gotten messy somehow in the middle of my work.

She then sat on one of the chairs behind the counter and set her white handbag on it.

"What brings you here?" I asked. I only inquired because one, she rarely comes to the store, and two, it was a Friday and she normally works late at the hairdresser across the street from our store.

"My boss let me off early today," she informed me. A sly smirk turned up a corner of her lips, and I already had an idea of what she was going to utter next.

"I think she met a new partner, I told you how she was divorced, right? She was in an extra good mood today, she might be going on a date with whoever this may be," she sighed dreamily, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

I lost count of how many men Ji A has been through to find the one. It personally offended me that these men either used her for her share of wealth from Father's business or did the opposite and turned her down because of it. They didn't want a woman with more power over them and that was laughable in all honesty. Not only was she beautiful, an exact copy of when our mother was her age, but she was a genuinely good person. The most genuine person I knew.

Father put the blame on her for not being presentable and suitable enough for them. She stopped me every time he said that before I could pass a remark.

A week ago, she claimed she had found a good man, and I prayed he actually was.

She sighed again, this time more exasperatedly. "I'm sure you've been working the second they came to drop off the supply without a break."

I couldn't help but blush at the accuracy of her words.

She patted the chair next to hers. I put the last pants in my hands on the shelves and set the pen on the counter as I sat down. She immediately grabbed one of my hands and placed it between both of hers as she said excitedly, eyes flashing, "Keon Hee told me you were with a boy in your room during last night's party."

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