Week 1, Day 5

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The day was extremely uneventful. When Hwan Woong came by to give me my breakfast, I asked if a call from Mister Na Mil had arrived yet. He said he would check and get back to me. Roughly five minutes later, the phone in my room began to ring. I set my tea cup down and walked over to the desk, picking it up and pressing the receiver to my ear.


"Yes, it's Hwan Woong. I just checked and I'm afraid no Mister Na Mil has phoned yet, but I will continue to check throughout the day and will inform you immediately."

"Thank you so much," I smiled, twirling the cord between my fingers.

"My pleasure, Seo Ho." I ended the call by placing the phone back on its stand. I sighed as I leaned against the desk. I looked over at my half finished breakfast tray and felt no desire to resume eating.

I threw away any trash I could in the bathroom and left the tray outside. The rest of the day passed with me sitting on the window seat, staring out at the hotel's gardens, people watching, lip reading and trying to make up ridiculous conversations in place of the real ones taking place. It passed through my head several times to pick up a book and read among the flowers, but just the thought of having to interact with humans sickened me.

It was moments like this where I wished I had Father's natural social skills. I chuckled to myself as I thought back to when Mother and I would sit on the staircase together as we watched him and Ji A mingle with complete strangers at the parties he would host. I didn't mind though - I actually looked forward to the quality time I would spend with her. After the divorce, I sat alone on the staircase. In fact, I avoided it for a good couple of months, cooping myself up in my room. It held too many memories, and I knew they would replay in front of me whenever I mustered up the courage to sit once more.

And I was right. Despite the loud music and voices of hundreds of people combining into one, all I could hear was our laughter and her voice. That's why I started to sit on the step beneath our spot so that I wouldn't have to see her at every party.

Before dinner, I phoned the number for servants and was glad that Hwan Woong was the one who answered. I requested for no tray to be sent up when it was dinner time. I expected him to simply agree and hang up but instead, he asked if I was feeling alright.

"O-oh, yes, yes, I'm fine, just not in the mood to stomach food right now," I spoke honestly.

"Ah, I see. Well if there's anything I can get for you before bed, please let me know," he told me. For some reason, I could see him place a hand over his heart and the sense made me feel soft on the inside.

"I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it."

I felt a small smile pull back the corners of my lips. The minute conversation we shared played on loops in my head as I washed for bed. It was quite strange for when I lay to sleep, my mind was cleared. No matter how much I wanted to recall our conversation for the nth time that night, my mind refused to hear his voice or call up his image.

I let it slide and waited for my eyes to flutter closed. I couldn't have been sleeping for long until I felt warmth hovering over me. Not my blanket's warmth but that of a human being. I shifted uncomfortably, not accustomed to the human contact but soon relaxed as I felt quite safe. Nothing was telling me I should be afraid or concerned.

Just as I started to bask in whatever this sensation was, I let out a small gasp as I felt someone's lips barely graze my neck. The most peculiar thing was despite them hardly touching my skin - I knew those lips. They felt all too familiar. A thought flew through my head about what if I had been kissed by those lips at some point in my life and although it seemed like a ludicrous notion, it just made sense. And I knew I wasn't dreaming for I couldn't see myself with another person kissing my neck in my head and I wasn't that sexually frustrated.

I tried to open my eyes and move my hands but I was stuck in the trance of whatever I was feeling, however, I was starting to become numb to the lips. Coincidentally with my tiresomeness, my head began to fill with a white mist. I felt myself frown as I tried to focus. Slowly, an equally misty yet darker figure emerged from the white.

I couldn't exactly make out if it were a male or a female, but I could make out it reaching a hand out to me. And it bothered me that I couldn't, didn't know how to take its hand. Soon, the white mist started to suck the figure back in and it was desperately shaking its head and stretching its arm out further but I didn't know what to do.

Before the mist engulfed the figure's head, everything slowed and a voice spoke loud and clear,


I jolted awake, the figure and the mist gone. I panted heavily as my eyes darted all over my semi-dark, moonlit room. As I reached a hand up to swipe my hair away from my forehead, I found that I was sweating.

The humidity of my room was the last of my concerns. I knew that voice. I had heard it before. In fact, I had conversed with its owner.

It was him

Just wanted to say this in case there was any confusion. The chapters that just have a black heart as their title go with the chapter that's published with it or the chapter it comes after. So for example, with this Week 1, Day 5 chapter, the heart chapter that comes after goes with this chapter. I understand it can be a lil confusing, so I hope this mini explanation helps :))

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