"Yeah? That's good," he says, releasing me before walking ahead of me into my house. I close the door and follow him to the kitchen.

"What have you been up to since today?" He's picking through my fridge, stopping all together when I respond.

"I went over to Luke's."


"Yeah, it was really fun. We just hung out on the couch and watched movies and relaxed. It was really nice to see him."

"Must have been."

I notice that he has been in the same position for too long now and frown. "What? What is it?"

"Nothing." His voice is off though (like it was the other day at school) as he closes the fridge with nothing in his hands, which is strange because he is a teenage boy and is always hungry. He leaves the room and heads upstairs to my room, where we always end up. I jog up the stairs after him and when I get to my room, he's sitting at the desk looking away from me. Damn he is acting strange.

"Alex. What the Hell? What's the matter?"

He is frustrated, that much I can tell. He huffs, before turning to face me.

"I'm furiously jealous."

Wait, what?

"Jealous? Of who, Luke?" I can't comprehend what he's saying. Why is he jealous?

"Yes, I'm jealous of Luke!" I'm shocked at his frustration, as he stands up and begins to pace. Up and back. From my desk to the wall and back. Up and back.

"Why?" I ask with caution, wanting to comfort him but not quite knowing how, or whether being comforted is what he wants.

"Because I definitely like you and I'm not used to feeling like this. I've never really liked anyone so I don't know how this goes or is supposed to go but I feel weird. I don't like it but you hanging out with Luke just, ugh." He pauses, taking a breath. "I always used to laugh at the guys who got jealous over a girl but now I'm one of them and I'm sympathizing."

"Are you serious?" I ask, frozen in my place. "Are you telling me that you, Alex Stanton, is jealous? Of your best friend? That wants us to get together."

"Shut up," he groans, pouting like an adorable puppy dog. "I know it makes no sense, that is why it sucks."

"Awh, poor Alex," I coo, but I can't not laugh. My laughter fills my room but suddenly I'm cut off, not with words but with Alex's lips.


His hands go to my waist and I automatically react, sliding my hands up his chest-


I push him away, and then take a few steps back myself, so that I'm leaning against my bedroom wall. I take deep breaths and look up to Alex, who looks like the happiest man on Earth.

"I told you that you wouldn't be pushing me away when I kiss you next," he beams and doesn't try to step closer to me. He knows I need space.

"I did push you away!" I protest, putting my hands on my hips.

"But you kissed me back."

"I did not!"

"You did."






"This probably isn't going to help my case but you're incredibly sexy when you're angry."

I try not to let that comment affect me. "Shut up," I groan. "I didn't kiss you back and I pushed you away. Anyway it doesn't matter. Just, ugh. Forget about it."

"Yeah, that's really not going to happen any time soon," he says. He looks at me with eyes so caring that I have to look away.

What have I done?

I have let us become close, I have let him like me, and soon I'm just going to die anyway. Damn it. I'm so stupid to have let this happen.

"You should really get to your game to warm up," I tell him, changing the subject completely. He has to be there in half an hour but I have to get rid of him. I need some time to think, some room to breathe.

"Aren't you going to come watch?" He asks. It's evident in his voice that he can tell something is up, but he's not pushing it. I don't think he's game to push anything after what he just did.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I'm actually feeling a bit headache-y so I might just stay in. I don't know." It's a lame excuse and both of us know it, but he doesn't ask.

"Okay," he says, hugging me again. "I hope your head is okay." He kisses my forehead and then leaves without any other words.

My game has changed. I believe Alex is now a decent human being, so I can cross that off my list. My game is now to try to make him not like me. And the perfect time to do that will be Georgia's wedding.


A/N: Hello there! I know it's shorter than usual but I think it's fair to say it's a good short, considering what happened....

What's everyone thinking about it? About Alex? About Dakota? Let me know, I'd love to hear from you!

Also, if you're getting confused, make sure you pay attention to the days (chapter titles). These often change by more than a day and I try to make this obvious in the chapters but it doesn't always work so yeah, just pay attention to those and you will be fine!

I hope you're enjoying this so far. Happy reading!

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