Change of Plans

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What are your pronouns?


I know I'm late on this, but happy Pride month!!!

I love yall and want you to know that my account is always a safe place for you! If you ever need anything, I'm always here for you! Love you

-Your Asexual Misty


*Y/n's P.O.V.*

"Hey love," Thomas says as he knocks on my bathroom door. I tell him to come in as I'm only brushing my teeth anyways, but he just leans on the doorframe with his phone in his hand.

"So, how would you feel about a cast lunch instead of a cast dinner tomorrow?" Thomas asks as he scrolls through something.

"I'd be down," I reply after washing out my mouth with water. "As long as me and the girls still have plenty of time to get ready. Why?"

"The cast and crew just decided to switch it up as we've mostly done dinners." Thomas excuses, typing something on his phone. I nod my head in reply before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing out my mouth.

"So, why want the sudden change?" I ask, starting on my hair.

Thomas just shrugs and begins to type something on his phone. "I don't know, love. I guess we'll just have to see!" I nod my head and continue getting ready.

I suddenly get a notification on my phone, I glance at it, only to grab it a second later.

"Hey, want to come with me and the girls to the mall for a spa day?" The text from Holland read.

"Of course! What time?" I reply.

"We'll pick you up at 11! Be ready by then! Or ELSE!" Holland replies, making me laugh.

"What was that about?" Thomas asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile and let myself lean gently into him. "I hope it's not anything I should worry about," I laugh again as I softly shake my head.

"Me and the girls are just going to have a selfcare day, that's all." I reply, looking up at Thomas.

Thomas frowns and lets out a sigh. "So... I have to let them take you from me?"

"Thomas!" I laugh, hitting his arm playfully, instantly making him break his act as a smile comes onto his face, making his eyes squint in the corners.

Ah, those stupid butterflies!

"Alright, love." Thomas says, kissing my forehead. "But I still want to take you on a small date before tomorrow."

"I'll make sure you get to take me out to dinner, deal?" I ask, looking between his eyes.

Thomas' smile turns sadder as he nods his head, kissing my forehead gently. But when Thomas pulls away, I stop him by placing my hand on his neck. He gives me a confused look as he realizes I'm silently telling him not to leave just yet.

I gulp, glancing down at how close we were before looking back up and saying quietly: "You missed,"

Thomas' lips lift into a smile before he softly puts his lips against mine, causing sparks to go off at the contact, making the butterflies in my stomach spread all throughout my torso.

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