Mistakes Get Made

112 4 6

Who's a side character who stole the show?
This is a really long chapter! Just a heads up!

"Hey, Tommy, is y/n ok?" Dylan asks me as I close the door behind me.

"Just a flashback." I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "She's asleep now, but she'll probably only stay like that for a few hours longer before waking up to a nightmare."

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Dylan frowns. "If we had known we wouldn't have started watching it."

"It's alright, Dyl." I sigh. "Tori suggested it, right?"

"Ya," Dylan replied.

"Well I didn't expect her to know." I smile. "I asked Carlton to keep it on the downlow - despite it being broadcasted on the news."

"She feels bad about it, you know." Dylan adds.

"It's ok," I smile. "I'll tell her that myself and tell y/n that Tori feels bad about it. I know she'll be sympathetic, you know that's how she is."

"Ya," Dylan sighs, running his hand through his hair. "She still shouldn't have to go through that kind of sh*t."

"I know, I know." I sigh, shaking my head. "But she's overcoming it with every passing day."

Dylan nods in agreement and we head back to where the others are. Tori jumps up when she sees me and begins to rush over to me when I stop her and say: "It's alright, Tori. You didn't know, neither of us blame you."

"Will you forgive me?" Tori asks, fiddling with her hands. I nod my head and she sighs in relief, a tear falling down her cheek. "Thank you, Thomas." She smiles, the relief in her eyes glowing.

"Of course," I say reassuringly. "You didn't know."

"I think we've all had enough excitement for today." Azul says, standing up. "I think it's best we all turn in so we can all get to our respective jobs on time without feeling extremely sluggish."

We all agree and I escort everyone to the door after they grab their stuff.

"Thanks Tommy!" Holland smiles before walking out to the Uber. Other thank you's followed and I returned them with some "see you later"'s.

I finally close the door and turn around to see Dylan leaning up against the wall.

"So... um... I know you're in a relationship and all but...." Dylan begins, looking to the side as he always did when he didn't want to look me in my face.

What a bloody coward.

"Aren't you in a relationship yourself?" I ask, walking past him. "With Shiloh, right?"

"That was only a few dates!" Dylan protests, following me to the sitting room. "And we agreed that it'd be better to remain friends. But that's not what I wanted to talk about!"

"Oh? Then what do you want to talk about?" I smirk, beginning to clean up any remaining garbage. "Oi, will you grab a rubbish bag for me, mate?"

I hear Dylan run back, opening the cupboard to grab a rubbish bag before closing the cupboard and running back to me.

"Here's your trash bag!" Dylan smiles, handing me the bin bag.

"Thanks Dyl," I say, taking the bag and throwing all the trash inside it.

"But anyways," Dylan says, also helping me with cleaning. "I was just wondering, um... uh what you think of Victoria?"

"Tori?" I ask, stopping to look up at him.

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