Almost There

135 4 5

Question of the chapter:
If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

When we finally arrived at the hospital, I didn't even wait for Dylan to park the car all the way before I jumped out the door and ran into the hospital.

"I'm here to see y/n y/l/n." I say, slamming into the receptionist desk from going so fast, slightly out of breath. The secretary looks up at me and asks calmly: "What's your name and relation?"

"Thomas Brodie-Sangster, I'm her boyfriend."

I freeze after that word left my mouth. Were we even still together? Heck, I lost y/n when I took the first sip that lead to me sleeping with Leila. But I didn't know any other way to get in to see her.

"I'm sorry, Mr Sangster," The Receptionist says. "But it looks like it's currently only going to be police and family."

"I'm the bloody closest thing she has to a family in this country!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry Mr Sangster, but Police's orders." She shrugs.

I groan, running my hands through my hair as tears threaten to spill out of my eyes again. "Can you at least tell me if she's alright?" I ask, my voice beginning to sound strained.

"I'm sorry again, Mr Sangster. But we are not allowed to give out any information."

I nod, the tears stinging my eyes as I turn to see Dylan standing there with a frown. "I'm not leaving this bloody hospital until I see y/n." I choke out defiantly. Dylan nods, patting my shoulder.

"You'll see her soon, Tommy. I'm sure of it." Dylan says calmly.

I nod before he leads me over to the chairs, but I can't bring myself to sit. Instead, I continually pace back and forth, some part of me waiting for a Bobbie to walk through the door. But another part of me almost wish y/n would walk out of those doors instead.

But it didn't happen.

The hours seemed to drag, every few seconds felt like hours, and the hours seemed to feel like millennia. I couldn't help but continuously look up every few minutes.

Then again, since my sense of time has recently been stretched, it was probably every few seconds.

My feet began to grow heavy, but I didn't care. I kept pushing them, only sitting down when Dylan forced me to. But even then I was on the edge with my leg bouncing furiously.

For what was probably the millionth time while I was pacing, I hear the door open and look up. But instead of seeing an unfamiliar face, I see Inspector Wilson!

"Inspector!" I call out, rushing to him.

I nearly don't stop in time, Inspector Wilson having to hold my arms by the elbows.

"Is she alright? Is she hurt? May I see her? Please let me bloody see her!" I plead, letting all the words spill out.

"She's alive, Mr. Sangster." Inspector Wilson says calmly, allowing me to release a breath I had been holding as I nearly collapse with relief. She was alive! "But is she hurt? Please tell me she's not hurt!" I say, whipping my head back up to him.

"I'm sorry, Thomas." Inspector Wilson frowns, sympathy showing in his eyes. "By the looks of it she was continually raped, beaten, and has recent wounds from being whipped by a belt. She's been treated for the injuries by pain killers, birth control, and antibiotics for her trichomoniasis."

The tears return to my eyes as I cover my face with my hands. What have I done? This is all my fault!

"Would you like to see her, Mr. Sangster?" Inspector Wilson asks calmly.

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