And Let Zem Eat Cake!

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"Ready, love?" Thomas asks as I walk into the sitting room, looking through my bag to make sure I did have everything.

"Looks like it!" I smile.

"Then let's go eat cake!" Thomas grins, walking us out to the car, making sure to get my door.

What a gentleman!

We drive down to the cake shop, blasting our playlist and singing at the top of our lungs, laughing almost every few seconds.

When we finally get there, Thomas rushes out of his door as soon as takes the keys out of the ignition. He runs over to the back of the car on my side, opening the door and grabbing an umbrella before opening my door and using the umbrella to shield me from the rain.

"Glad to know that chivalry isn't dead." I smirk as I get out, walking closer to Thomas so he could get under the umbrella as well.

"Good to know your humor isn't either." Thomas replies with a chuckle, making me laugh.

Thomas closes the car door, locking it behind us as we walk into the cake store. It was a cute little establishment, it had pastel purple painted everywhere along with white as well. The cute lanterns - many above all the tables in the little cafe-like bakery - were helping brightly illuminate the bakery in a pleasant white light.

"Welcome on in to Madam Sugar's Bakery! Do you have an appointment?" A sweet and slightly plump woman asks as we walk in. Her curly brown hair was pulled up into a high bun with some loose curly strands framing her round and soft face.

"Yes we do," Thomas replies with a smile. "The name should be under Sangster,"

"Ah, yes! I see you right here!" The woman smiles as she looks down at an appointment book, using her index finger to point out what I assumed was the name. "Follow me right this way, dearies," She smiles, reminding me of Mrs. Weasley when she talked to Harry Potter.

We follow her into the bakery, letting her lead us into a small booth next to the window.

"I believe we are looking for the type of cake for your wedding, yes?" The woman asks kindly.

"Um, yes," I smile, glancing at Thomas.

"Well, lucky for you dears, Madam Sugar's got so many flavors that I'm sure it will be hard for you to choose from!" She smiles.

"Thank you, Mrs. ... um..." I reply, pausing when I realize I didn't know her name.

"Williams," She smiles. "Mrs. Sugar Williams. You can call me Sugar if you prefer, dear. I've never been one for formalities." She laughs lightly.

"Oh! You're Madam Sugar?" I ask in surprise. "It's a pleasure to meet you! You have such a cute little place here!"

"Why thank you, dear!" Sugar smiles warmly. "This was the first place me and my husband met 33 years ago. Why, we loved it so much we bought the property and started our little business. It's not as well known, but we specialize in wedding cakes! But we also make every gift shared between 2 people special, so that people can experience what me and my hubby did so many years ago!"

I giggle at the cute and romantic story; how cute was that? "That is such a cute story!" I smile. "You should write a book!"

"Oh, no thank you, dear!" Sugar laughs, shaking her head. "I'm not too good with words! My granddaughter on the other hand is writing a book herself - about a girl who helps out a celebrity by pretending to date him." She laughs at this while me and Thomas share a look.

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