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You crept up more, and could finally see a clear picture. Even though it had been around midnight, and the skies were black, you could tell what they were kicking. It was none other than Eddie.. you looked at the people with the Hawkins High Jerseys on, examining their faces when one singular person gets your attention. He was wearing a black ski mask, though you couldn't see who was under it, you had an idea.

As you sit there, examining the faces and the jerseys, the person in the ski mask pulls out something from his pocket. You couldn't tell what it had been until you hear it go thorugh Eddies skin, making his cry in pain. "GET AWAY FROM HIM." You yell, finally stepping forward from the trees. "Oh shit, go, go, go." As you yell at them, they all easily clear out, running back into the woods. You run up to Eddie and see him losing a lot of blood, scars and bruises everywhere. "Eddie omg." You cry out, tears falling down your face as he sits there unconscious. "You're gonna be okay.. you're gonna be fine I promise." You start rubbing his arm. "Y/n..?" He tries to say, his breath getting heavy "Yes, yes. It's me Eddie, i'm gonna help you okay?" You say, you were so stressed. You hadn't known what to do, what to use. Thats when you remembered all the supplies Eddie had picked up from the store. "Ill be right back okay Eddie?" You cry, kissing him on the forehead, you ran back over to the tent, pushing through the trees and skipping the branches beneath you. As you make it to the tent, unzipping it, you look for his backpack under all of the covers. You hurry and grab it, darting back into the woods. Even if there wasn't anything good, you had been sure he would have got a med kit just in case.

You made it back to him, and his eyes had been shut. He wasn't moving, his arms laid down across the dirt. Your heart beats fast as you hurry and check his chest, and luckily he had still been breathing. "Oh thank God Eddie." you say. You hurry and open the bag, throwing things around looking for something, anything. When you finally pull a can of water out, under it had been a red and white container. You grab it out and look around, on the sides it said "Emergency Kit." You hurry and open it, looking back at Eddie who had still been unconscious, but breathing.

You searched through the kit and found things to help his wounds. You go to grab things out when you remembered you had to clean it first. You grab the drink that had been in the bag, and poured the water over his wounds, clearing off any of the dirt. After that, you search for something to stop the bleeding and don't see anything. "Damnit Eddie. This was my favorite shirt." You say, as you aggressively tear a big piece of the cloth from your body. You quickly fold it around his waist, putting pressure on the wound so the blood will slow down. You grab some alcohol wipes and start to wipe it, making it sting a little bit. This had woke Eddie up some, or at least a little for him to groan from the pain. "Sorry." You hurry and say, getting back to the wounds. "You're gonna be fine Eddie, i'm doing the best I can." You say, grabbing some bandage patches to put over the cuts. As you're looking through everything on the floor to put it back up, grabbing one by one, you see something on the ground. When you pick it up, your heart breaks. Everything around you crumbles as you examine the ring in your hand. It had been a black ring, with a white pearl in the middle. As you look over at your hand, seeing how identical it had been to the one you picked up, you knew who it belonged to. When you were little, right before your grandpa passed away, he gave you and Jason his and your grandmas promise rings, something for you to remember them by. It was Jasons ring, it was Jason in the mask, it was Jason who did this to Eddie.

It had been a couple hours later and both of you had been resting in the tent. You had been turned Eddies way, resting your head next to his. He was doing better, and you could hear his heart beat in his chest. You smiled, thinking to yourself how lucky you both had been. He was really gonna be okay, and he was gonna be stuck with you for the rest of your life. "I knew I was good looking, but I didn't know I was THAT good looking." He chuckles out as he catches you staring at him. "I'm just really happy you're ok." You say, you dig your hand into his hair and mess with it. "Yeah, thanks to you Carver." He smiles slightly. He sits up, grunting in pain as you join him. You two scoot closer, as he rests his arm around your shoulder, you put your head in the crook of his neck. You had been happy with him, he was the love of your life.

In Love With a Freak •Eddie Munson•Where stories live. Discover now