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You walk towards the room that they have their meetings in, it's next to a janitors closet, and not many people go to this side of the school. The door was shut, and had a sign on the front that said, "dnd club" but the word dnd had been marked over with the word, "Freak" .. Freak club, okay.. You hadn't realized what you had gotten yourself into by agreeing to going, but it wasn't a good thing. You grab the door knob and twist it, opening the door. When you open the door you see Eddie throw his dnd magazine down on the table and looks at Dustin. "You had Y/n be the sub?! WHEELER, HENDERSON, What is wrong with you ?!" He places his hands on their shoulders and push them towards the table. "She's a cheerleader, from the popular "cool" crowd." he says, pulling their chairs out, and tossing them down. "Yes, she is.. but, she's pretty good.. and if you gave her a ch-" Dustin try's to butt in. "Look, she was our last option, we're sorry." Mike interrupts Dustin.
"Well then.. is she good at least?" he says, placing his hands on the table, leaning over. "she's played before." Dustin answers, nodding his head at Eddie. "Fine, Fine. FINE." Eddie walks around the table, with his arms crossed. Mike and Dustin looked at each other in relief, and Mike wipes his forehead sweat.
You open the door a little more, making it creek, and having them stare at you.
"Oh, sorry. Hey guys.. haha." you sneek in, walking up to a chair. You placed your bag down, and behind you walks in The rest of the members.

"Do you chose to flee or fight? Make a wise choice young players." Eddie says, swaying his arms out to the side, looking at all of you.
"Flee." Dustin shouts out, before anyone could come together and talk.
"No no no, you can't flee. We always flee." one of the members say. "Okay so we fight ? and die ? that's what you want ?" Dustin argues back. "Guys please calm down, Dustin, why do you want to flee?" you ask him, Eddie looks at you and smiles the slightest. "Yeah Henderson, what's the rush in ending the battle ?" He continues off of your question. "Okay. Fight." Dustin shouts, Looking up at everyone.

After the meeting, you get up and grab your bag. As you were walking towards the door, ready to leave, Eddie stops you dead in your tracks.
"What do you want." you ask, trying to walk around him, but he was blocking the exit.
"who taught you how to play dnd?" he asks smirking, messing with his hair for a little. "Why do you even care." you say, tilting your head a little. "Well because, they obviously did a bad job." he says, getting a little closer to you. "You aren't really all that Y/n Carver." He says, picking your hair from your face, and placing it behind your ear. "Omg, really Munson.. you're so stupid." you say, placing you hand on his, and pulling it away from you. You nudge past him, walking out the room. "Sorry Carver, better luck next time." He shouts, peeking half of his body out the door, waving bye to you. You turn away from him and roll your eyes, what is his problem..?

In Love With a Freak •Eddie Munson•Where stories live. Discover now