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You all sat there talking, and finally a name slips from your mouth that you didn't want to bring into the conversation. "Omg, Don't get me started on Mr. Perfect Basketball." Eddie says, exaggerating his facial expressions. "Who does he think he is?" He says again, laughing a little. "Apparently my dad i guess." You say, laughing back. He looks over at you concerned, "What do you mean..?" He asks, you look over at him and sigh. You knew this was gonna be a long one. "He just always controls me.. tells me what not to do, where not to go." You say, you can start to feel a hand rubbing your back, "He acts like I have to be perfect like him.. Like I can't hang out with you all, Or I can't even talk to you." You say, At this moment you could feel his hand on your knee as well. Even though you don't care for Eddie, you let his hands slide. You didn't want to push them off in this moment, you didn't want to yell at him, you let his hand rub your back, and his other hand grab your knee. You felt safe, and cared for. That's all that mattered, and you were so confident, you had put your hand on top of his. You continued talking about Jason, and didn't even realize how much rosier Eddie's face was.
"I'm .. I am so .. so sorry he's done that.. to you." Eddie says, looking guilty, "I'm sorry we asked you to be apart of the dnd meetings, if you want.. you don't have to come tomorrow." He says again, you could see him realize what he just done. "Eddie, it's fine. Jason isn't gonna stop me." You say, making him look back up in relief. You hadn't really wanted to play, but the thought of rebelling over your brother felt amazing.

After a little more talking, you two began to get tired and exhausted. Eddie yawned, and the next second, you yawned. He looks over at you, even though he was tired, he still was able to tease you, "You love me y/n." He says smiling. "What?" you ask, genuinely confused. "You yawned after me, meaning you love me." He continues with his wack theory. You look over at him confused, and yawn again. "I'm serious, ask anyone around about it." he says this and starts laughing. "No, im too tired. I'll do it in the morning." you start to fall to the side, your head going to hit the floor when you soon feel soft pressure on your head. Eddie had caught you with his hands, and rested you somewhere. You didn't know what it was, but it had been more comfortable then the floor in your opinion. You sat there, and yawned some more right before falling asleep. "Thanks Eddie for catching me and giving me a pillow." You say, your voice soft. "I don't know how you found a pillow in this room but..." You say one last time. You fell asleep in the classroom, it was around 2:29. "You're laying in my lap y/n, how would I have found a pillow." He asks you, unsure if you had been asleep or not. To no surprise, you were fast asleep, and snoring quietly in Eddie Munsons Lap.

In Love With a Freak •Eddie Munson•Where stories live. Discover now