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You and Eddie had been driving for a while, when you finally make a stop. "This is not it?" You say, lifting your head up from the door as you look around. "I know love, I just need to get something real fast. Okay?" He says, unbuckling his seat belt. "Oh okay." You say as you smile. He goes to get out of the car but he stops himself, looking over at you. "Do you need a drink or anything? Im gonna get snacks." He says. You brung your head back up and smile at him. "Yeah, a water please." You suggest. He leans over to you, kissing your head before he finally gets out of the car.

You were listening to the radio when all of a sudden the car door opens. You turn over and see Eddie with his hands full of snacks and drinks. "Im back." He says letting out a soft chuckle as he puts the things in the back. "Here ya go." He hands you your water and adjusts himself in the seat. "Thank you." You say, taking the water. "Of course, now let's get this show on the road aye?" He starts the car, making a rumbling noise as it moves forward. "Yeah." You smile.


The car jerks and comes to a stop, waking you back up. "Annnnd, we're here." He says, spinning the Kays in his hands. He puts his hand over yours and waits for you to fully wake up before getting out. "Good afternoon sleepy head." He says, scoffing. "You slept basically the whole car ride." You blink a couple of times, fully registering what was happening and you roll your eyes. "Oh shush, it was only an hour." You say, sitting up in your seat. "Im just messing around, you know I love you." He says as he hops out of the car and opens the back door. "I love you." You say back, getting out as well. You guys grab everything you brought, and grab a map to find out where you were gonna go.

"Alright, it shows that there's a good place to the right in a couple of miles." You say, turning the map while you guys take a couple of steps. "Oh yeah? how about we just camp right here?" He says, stomping on the ground below you. You put down the map and finally stare at everything around you, looking at the beautiful view in front of you both. "Woah." Your jaw drops. You had been so focused on the map and where to go to even take in the natures glory. "Yeah, we can." You say, walking towards the cliff you both had been standing next to. The water below is crashed into the mountain, making a beautiful sound. There were lots of trees, covering the area to give you privacy, and it had been flat ground. Everything was perfect to set up camp, and so you did.

"Im gonna go grab some wood for the fire, do you wanna work on the tent before it gets dark?" He mocks as you sit on the ground, looking at all the snacks. He stands up and walks over to you, waiting for your response. "Uh yeah, i'll try to set it up. Be careful." You say, standing up next to him. He pulls you to his waist and gives you a short hug, kissing your forehead. "Alright, Love you." He says, walking towards the woods. You began to pull out all of the tent supplies and are confused where to start. You grabbed the tent and propped it up, trying to make it stand. To no shock, you let it go and it falls back to the floor. "Great." You say. You grab it again and start to put the medal poles through everything and trying your best. When you finally think you did everything, and all the pieces where used.. you back up from the tent and takes some deep breaths. It wasn't the best, and it wasn't the worst. The tent had been standing, but it did not look like a tent. You didn't worry about it because you knew Eddie would help you with it once he got back so you continued to sort the snacks.


The sun had fully gone down, and you were lucky If you could see a thing. You got out from the tent and walked closer towards the woods, looking for Eddie. "EDDIE." You call out, you put your hands over your mouth. "HELLO!" You shout once more. It had been freezing, but luckily you were huddled up in a cover that you all brought. You waited there for a couple of seconds before freaking out. You pace around the site, waiting for a response. you knew he was okay, you knew he was only fooling around.. right? You insist in walking back to the tent to wait it out more. Maybe you had been being delusional or paranoid, it had only been an hour.. everything was fine.

Sitting in the tent for a while, it had been really quiet. You had nothing to do so you just laid down, arms and legs out, staring at the sky through the tent. The only noise you heard the whole night was crickets, frogs, or the ocean splashing against the shore... but this noise, was different. You hurry and sit up, looking outside of the unzipped tent as you hear grunting coming from the woods. What the heck.. You grab the cover you were wrapped in and fold it around your body as you walk over to the woods, examining the noise.

"Punk!" You hear call out. An oddly familiar voice had kept shouting the same thing over and over. "Yeah, thats what I thought." You heard once again. Jason...

You run into the woods, trying your best not to trip over any branches under you. The night made it harder for you to see your surroundings. You swerve through the trees, and find yourself getting closer towards the grunts. "Loser!" You hear again, a tear coming from your eye as you try to think of the situation happening. "Just please stop." You hear a voice cry out, clearly in pain. It had been the same voice you heard grunting, Eddie's voice.. "Please man." he cries more.

As you finally start to run out of breath, stopping and bending down towards your knees to breath for a second, You hear the voice coming from your right.. You slowly creep up on the situation, barely being able to see anything, you notice a group of guys kicking and throwing punches at something laying on the ground. The boys looked familiar to you, really familiar. You try to get a little closer, squinting your eyes. Trying to get a visual on their faces, you find yourself understanding why they had been so familiar. You could see them all wearing green and yellow varsity jerseys.. with the letters HHS labeled on them. And one particular guy in the group, who was doing the most damage had what seemed to be blood all over his jersey.

In Love With a Freak •Eddie Munson•Where stories live. Discover now