7. With All of the Folks At Home

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DeeDee's smile was a face shrug.

"Did you even ride the train?"

"I took it when they first got it running."

"Yeah, but not with the dancers and Santa and full effects. It's spectacular now!"

"I've got the whole season to do it."

"Remember when we were flying home from Arizona and I couldn't be bothered to put my gossip rag down to look at the Grand Canyon out the window?"

"I forced you."

"Thank God you did."

"This is hardly the Grand Canyon."

"But it's a moment you won't get back."

"What more is there to see?"

"You're bailing on more stuff than usual these days. Is it still the break-up blues?"

"No," DeeDee said, hoping it would soon be the truth. "Well, maybe I'm still a little bummed, but it's probably hormonal too. Anyway, now that the pressure is off with this project, I'll be fine. Let's go out man-hunting next week."

Natasha's eyes darted across the room in Rodney's direction. "Sure," she said to DeeDee, laughing in way that didn't at all suit the conversation. DeeDee turned to see the cause of Natasha's distraction.

"Did you know he was going to be here?" she asked.

"No, but I'm not surprised," Natasha fibbed as though it were of little concern. "Hotel managers can get tickets to anything."

"Want me to stay with you a bit longer so he doesn't come over?"

"We're still on good terms."

"Then maybe I'll leave so he does," DeeDee said with a smirk.

The sisters hugged and said goodnight without a single cheese puff casualty.

When Natasha was sure the coast was clear, she once again beckoned Rodney over.

"Is it safe?"

"Yep. DeeDee's done for the night and my parents couldn't be bothered." Rodney leaned in for a kiss but Natasha dodged it. "No smooching, though. Just in case."

"I'm picturing our wedding day already," he said, and grabbed two glasses of champagne off a passing tray, giving her that look that said she'd have to make up for it when they got home.

Bob Dinsdale was able to snag a flute too as he bounded up to Natasha and Rodney, still bubbling with endorphins from the day's performances. He knew Natasha thought he'd manipulated his way into the spotlight, but it wasn't much of a spotlight, and it wasn't true. Why shouldn't he thank her again for giving him the opportunity to do something that made him feel like his best self? If it was the last part he'd ever play, Train Station Passenger Number 1 was something he would forever be immensely proud of.

"Boy, this is a major turnout!" he said to Natasha's blank stare and Rodney's easy smile.

"Rodney, this is Bob. He sang 'Christmas in Killarney' at the ticket booth."

"He didn't just sing it," Rodney said, recognizing him. "He danced the hell out of it too. Great job!"

Bob was genuinely pleased. "You think so?"


"I was worried that my Irish accent kept slipping into Scottish. I narrated a kid's play with a Scottish accent once and it has a way of sneaking back in there."

Before Natasha could jump in and change the subject, Bob began to recite:

"Now you might not believe that I'm tellin' the truth
But I am and I know 'cause I'm older.
Ali McGator had only one tooth
And that it was only a molar!

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