Wherever ever You Go I'll Be Able To Find You.( Chapter 21)

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I haven't gone out since that night. I cancelled my brunch with Mrs.Robinson, because I trust no one. She didn't seem to bothered when I made the lazy 'I'm sick' excuse. She just told me to get better.

Asclepius insisted that he stay home with me, but I couldn't do that to him. I knew how much his career meant to him. He's come so far, and he already moved to a whole other continent just for me. I couldn't ask for more.

I've kept the windows closed and curtains pulled because I knew now that I was being watched. That text message was not a coincidence. It wasn't a playful text.

If Achilles found me he would kill me.

This is what I didn't want. I didn't want to have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life. I didn't want someone to have this much control over me in this way. I was tired of being afraid. I've already dealt with the abuse. How much more could I possibly take?!


I felt someone shaking me out of my sleep lightly. I'd fallen asleep after crying all day.

"Hey darling.Wake up I bought dinner." He was sat at the edge of the sofa, his eyes were filled with compassion, he knew how shaken up I was. Even though I wanted to look strong for him I just couldn't.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was dark outside meaning I had slept over six hours.

"I brought you Chinese food." He said while taking me to our dining room table.

"Thank you." My voice low. I wasn't myself I wasn't happy.

"Hey. We're going to be fine. I promise." He rubbed the center of my back to calm me. His voice was reassuring.

"Yeah, I hope so." I just knew that something bad was going to happen.My intuition was always right.

"How about I help you take your mind off of it... hmmm?" He said as he started kissing my neck.

Honestly, I would love to fuck right now, but my mind wasn't in the right frame. I needed time. A part of the text made me feel guilty for running away with my ex-husband(not ex-husband) brother.

I mean... who does that anyway?

"I don't think it's a good time Asclepius." I said as I got up from the table.

The feeling that I was feeling right now, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It's like a hole replaced my heart and there was a pit in my stomach. I felt sick. My knees felt like jelly. I felt numb in general. My mind didn't feel like my own.

I ascended up the stairs and went for another long cold shower.I honestly didn't know who to turn to. I loved Asclepius, but what if I was making the wrong decision?

'What If I moved too fast?'

It was silly of me to think like this, but I couldn't help it. Maybe I should've gotten away on my own.

I was tired of feeling like a lost puppy. The one who always needed help. A damsel in distress.

I needed some time alone. But I knew Asclepius wouldn't let me out of his sight. I would have to think smart. Think fast.


I awoke at 3:00am in the morning. Asclepius was fast asleep and luckily his back was turned to me. I slowly removed the covers and took my feet out of the bed one at a time.

I moved slowly. And dragged my bag from under the bed. I placed my tennis on and grabbed some tights.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my already hidden sandwiches and left over dinner. With a bottle of water.

I left Asclepius a note on the fridge, his dresser, and our bathroom mirror. In case he missed one. I let him know that I needed some time to myself, and that if I felt that I was in danger I would call him. I advised him to not look for me and let me be.

I needed this time to myself.

I started the car engine and turned off my car lights to make sure that I didn't get anyones attention. I looked over at the Robinsons house  and everything seemed normal.

I want sure where I was going, but maybe a beach would be fine.


I've been at the beach for some time now. I've had my phone off, and this seemed to be doing me some justice. I felt a little like myself. Maybe this was what I needed form now on.

I felt a little bad that I didn't allow Asclepius to contact me. I just hoped that he'd seen my messages around the house.

I planned on staying here until people started coming out.

I left at  1:30pm. I was feeling a little better. I knew that I was having these episodes because of my past trauma. And then to top it off the text made me even more paranoid.

I tried not to think of it though.

As I got into my car I noticed Asclepius' car in my rear view mirror.

'What the fuck?'

He came out of his car, and seemed to be looking for me.

This place was not any easy guess. I was almost outside of town. This was out of our range. No one could take a wild guess of where I was and be right.

I came out my car and went to approach him.

"Asclepius?! What the hell are you doing here. Didn't I tell you not to look for m-." I was mad at him. He didn't respect my boundaries. I knew that if I hadn't left him numerous of notes around the house telling him that I needed SPACE then he would've had a reason to be panicked. But I did leave him notes.

"Oh my God, Imani I thought you left. I tried calling, and I saw your notes but I couldn't stay away." He seemed genuinely worried.

"Wha-... Asclepius if I say that I need space I mean it. Okay." I wasn't trying to be harsh I just felt like he should've respected my request.

"I'm fine, no one knows us here remember. Or at least I hope." My tone wasn't harsh but it was very clear that I didn't like this.

"Okay... just come home please. I'll listen next time." He said while walking me back to my car.

"Thanks." I said and got into my car.


We were now home. I explained my frustration to Asclepius, and he understood. There was something else I needed to know though.

"Asclepius. How did you find me?" I said. His back turned to me as he stirred.

He stopped stirring. For awhile. It was almost as if he was thinking.

"What do you mean? I'll always be able to find you. If I'm worried about someone I deeply care for I would search the entire world for them. And I so happened to trust my gut and drove out of town. I knew you would make it difficult to find you. So I looked all over until I eventually saw your car." His back still turned to me.

Honestly it was a valid excuse. I guess... maybe he wasn't lying. Maybe I'm just trying to find anyone to blame.

But first my car, then a message.

What could possibly be next?!

~ Author's Note ~

I'm starting to take this story onto a different path. So all of my future detectives, get your magnifying glasses out. Because.........

Well you gotta finish read to find out. 🤭💀💀


I honestly started this book as a joke thinking that my only supporters would be my few friends. But I honestly appreciate you guys so much. If this book goes well I'm thinking of writing a new one.

As I said before thank you guys, words can't describe how grateful I am. 🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿

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