Another day in Hell(TW Rape⚠️‼️)(Chapter 5)

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I woke up this morning not feeling too bad. I dreamt about Asclepius, it was weird of me to do so but I must admit I thought about him before I went to bed last night.

Luckily Achilles was already gone and I had the morning to myself. I got dressed for work. I haven't seen the kids in a while and I don't really want to lose my job. I actually enjoy it. Even though Achilles never wanted me to work I still went ahead and did so.

Even though Achilles came from riches I never wanted him because of that, and I never wanted to be fully dependent on him.

My phone rang. It was Aphrodite.

"Hey girl what ya saying". She was even louder over the phone. A smile spread across my face. There weren't words that could describe how happy she made me.

"Well good morning to you too missy". I was happy today. It was something about last night that changed me. Usually I awoke dreading the day ahead of me. But today was different.

Aphrodite and I talked for a while. Of course she still wanted to come over to beat Achilles' ass. But after I protested against it, she listened. I told her I had to go to work but I'll pick her up on my lunch break to catch up.


The day was going smoothly so far my colleagues and students greeted me with hugs seeing as though I was gone for almost a month. My lessons went smoothly as well seeing as though I've had so much time on my hands to create my lesson plans.

It was finally my lunch break and Aphrodite and I were currently eating and catching up. I took her too one of my favorite restaurants 'The Castle on The Bay'.

We caught up with each other, and even though I knew she wanted to see me, I knew that she wouldn't just be over here to spend some time with me. The thing about Aphrodite was that she always wanted a new job or should I say a new man. She was a sugar baby. She started when she was eighteen and from then on she never stopped.

I never judged her though, and that's why we always got along because we supported each other in everything 100%. I just always made sure that her location was on and I knew about the guy she would be with. And that she was keeping herself protected.

"So who's the guy?". I randomly asked her. I knew Aphrodite and even though she cared for me and needed to keep up with me I knew she had a man by her side.

"What ya mean." She said with a slight mischievous smirk.

"Mi nah have no man". She said trying to hold back her laughter.

We both cracked up because we both knew how bad she was at lying. We would always make jokes with our other friends about how we would never go to court with her.

After a bit of nagging she finally gives in and tells me about him. Too my surprise this man is the priest in our town and may I add he's married, but who am I to judge.


After dropping Aphrodite back to her hotel, I went back to work and finish my lessons. As I was packing up to go home and call it day my phone goes off. I supposed it was just Aphrodite so I immediately picked up my phone. But too my surprise it was Achilles telling me we have a dinner with his parents tonight.

I rarely see my in-laws, so it was weird that we were all of a sudden having dinner without it being a special occasion.

My in-laws weren't the best but they weren't bad, I guess you can say we tolerated each other. There weren't much words that I could use to describe them.

Of course Achilles had already set out something for me to wear, because he's just like that. I figured it won't be long and that he probably just wanted to have dinner so that he can continue being the first person selected to take over his fathers business when he dies or retires.

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