Tired of Crying. (Chapter 10)

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We were all having breakfast, and Achilles still hadn't come back yet. It wasn't like him to do something like this especially due to the fact that we were with his parents.

We tried calling him but he never picked up. Asclepius and their dad went looking for him. His mom grew worried but I didn't care much. Even though I still felt guilty about moaning out his own brothers name.

Asclepius and their dad came back with no Achilles but with a message from him. He was leaving to go back home. He said it was work, but I knew it had to have been a lie. He said that I was welcomed to go back home or stay for the rest of the trip. Of course I stayed because I knew that if I were to go back home to that man I would've been dead as soon as I walked though those doors.

I left the lobby and went straight up to my room. I didn't feel good inside, I just felt bad. Maybe I should go home. This trip was going to be even more awkward. I was hoping that a nap would help me overcome this feeling.

I tossed and turned until I couldn't anymore. So I called up Aphrodite. Her phone rang twice and then she picked up. She was back in Jamaica and I missed her so much.

"Hey girl." I whispered, I had this urge to cry all of I sudden. I wanted to go back home, to the place I longed for.

"What ya saying gyal." She sounded as if she too was sleeping. That made me feel even worse. I shouldn't have woken her up.

"You sound like you were sleeping. Sorry I'll call you back later." I was about to hang up but then I heard her voice loud over the phone and I knew that for sure she was up now.

"Gyal why ya bloodclat call mi fa and nah want talk ta mi." I bursted out into laughter. This is why I loved this girl. She always made my days better. Honestly I wished she was on this trip with me.

We talked for a while and I even told her about what happened. And honestly she was here for it. I told about how I was feeling  since Achilles left. She reassured me that I should go out and enjoy my vacation. To take it easy. She was right, I was overthinking things and making myself close up.


I stayed in my room despite the pep talk Aphrodite gave me. I knew that the hotel was having this huge welcome party for the guest but I didn't want to go. I just watched Tv until I felt sleepy.

As soon as I was about to close my eyes I hear a knock on the door. I was pissed off now. I opened the door and there stood my mother in-law. She looked concerned.

"Hey hun, are you coming down to the party?" She had this southern accent that made you feel comfortable. She had the voice of a grandmother that baked cookies. If that made sense.

Honestly no I wasn't going to go, I was already tired and couldn't be bothered.

"Umm.. I was actually just about to go to be-."

"No please don't say no. I couldn't get my husband or my son to go with me, and now your my only hope. She said with a warm smile. It was weird seeing my in-laws act like this. I never thought in a million years my mother in law would want to go clubbing with me.

I eventually agreed and she said she'll give me an hour to get dressed. I didn't know what to wear, I just thought to myself 'What would Aphrodite make me wear?'. Besides we were in Puerto Rico.


I was actually having fun with her. We danced and drank a lot. She was surely a heavy drinker, I couldn't keep up though because I knew that I was a light weight. I took a break and sat down on one of the beach chairs. I looked around watching everyone dance and look happy. Genuinely happy. My mother in-law was dancing the night away. She wasn't so bad after all.

I wondered if I should tell her about what's been going on between Achilles and I for the past two years now.

'Would she understand?'
' Could she help me get away?'
' Will she take my side?'

Even though this was the last thing I wanted to do I couldn't help but wonder 'what if'.

She was coming my way. I needed to pull her aside. Go somewhere quieter.

" Hey can I talk to you for a second." I was scared of all the possible outcomes. I just hoped that she sided with me and wasn't those types of mothers when it came to their sons. If you know what I mean.

"Sure sweety, come on." She placed her hand at the centre of my back and led me to a more quieter place.

"So what I wanted to talk about is... Achilles." I was nervous just thinking about how I was going to tell her.

"Oh sweetheart is it because he ain't here right now. I know how hard that must be for you." She rubbed my shoulder. She was jumping to conclusions. That made me mad.

"No. I- what I'm trying to tell you is... is that. What I'm trying to say is." I couldn't get the words out. I froze up. She looked at me with a confused and worried look on her face.

"Well I don't understand." She replied.

" What I'm trying to say is that your son has been abusing me for the past two years now. Constant tormenting. He made me kill our baby. He raped me. And he beats me. I even developed an eating disorder because of him. I need to leave him. I need you to help me leave him." Everything came rushing out of my mouth like a flood. I was tired of keeping it all in.

I was waiting for her to say something. Anything. She just looked at me like I was stupid. Her mouth agape.

" Excuse me?! You expect me to believe you right now. My son would never do such thing. I never raised him like that. I knew he chose wrong when he married you. I warned him. Now I'm here listening to this BULLSHIT!" She was mad at me? Me? What the actual fuck. What was this monstrosity of a family?! How could she even fix her mouth to say such thing. I couldn't even look at her even more.

"Are you crazy?!?! I have the scars to prove it woman! Don't you dare paint me as this crazy woman who is faking being abused. Take a moment to realize that your so called teachings didn't do him any justice. Your son is an abusive, cheating and devilish motherfucker." And with that I stormed off the beach.

I knew this was a bad idea. I knew I should've stayed my ass in the room. That's what I get for trying to be nice. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes fogging my vision. I walked in my room and began packing my bags. I was so done. I don't care about how I'm going to be greeted when I get home. I'll just have to prepare myself for the worst like I always do.

I was out of here by tomorrow. Fuck him and his family.

~Author's Note~

So guys this chapter was umm. A lot once again.

I really hope that you guys are enjoying this.

What do you think will happen once Imani gets home? 🫣

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