A throne room that she remembered coming to when she was six.

" Ah, if it isn't the little true born Cullen," Aro said in his grandstanding way ," and Edward , of course. " The last part  sounded like an afterthought.

" Hello," Iridessa beamed , her face lit up with that strange ethereal beauty she held. " How are you all doing today ?"

Edward shot her a look that told her to shut up.
She pouted and gave him a puppy dog look that made his heart wreak havoc on his mind. But he only kept giving her that look to hide his own discomfort about it all.

" What ?," she asked when his look persisted," I have to be polite , you know. Daddy won't be pleased if I have insulted our Kings."

Edward facepalmed and sighed softly. " Iridessa...."

She rolled her eyes. " I am being friendly and respectful. You can stop your silly attitude. It isn't the end of the world , Edward. A little bit of friendliness costs nothing, really."

Aro looked between the siblings and decided that it's better to divide them while he spoke to one of them.

" We are doing well , thanks , Young One. Jane Dear, please take young Iridessa to go visit with Gianna while I speak to Edward."

" Yes,Master Aro," a petite blonde Vampire girl said monotonously, coming to take Iridessa by the hand, ignoring the hard glare from Edward , who wanted nothing more than to protest. " This way please."

Iridessa let herself be let by the girl who was actually the same height as herself, though she'd obviously been turned in her early teens.

"I think I remember you," she said," you gave me a doll when I last visited. "

Jane nodded without smiling, her face as cold and stoic as ever.

" I still have her. Mommy always made sure to wrap her up carefully so that she wouldn't get dirty. I named her Jane."

This time there was a hint of a smile on Jane's lips.

" Will my brother be alright? I'm sorry if he doesn't have manners sometimes. He used to have, but then some stupid girl came into his life and he changed. "
" If he keeps being polite and shows respect to my Masters , then I believe he'll be fine. Here we are . Gianna, this is Iridessa Cullen. Iridessa , our resident human. You may wait for your brother here. However, Master Marcus might call on you to speak with you a bit. Or maybe Master Caius and Master Aro."

She said nothing to Jane at that . Why would she even want to speak to them ?

Caius seems to be such a hothead and Aro is treacherous. Marcus , however always seemed so sad.

"Gianna, please make some tea for Miss Cullen. I will be back later with her brother."

Thinking of Edward made Iridessa wonder about Rosalie's call.

Why'd Bella have to go and commit suicide?

Edward was stupid to want to die too. All this because of some human who wants to be a cold blooded killer when she grew up.

She sighed , taking a seat on a couch against the wall, picking up a magazine that was outdated.

Gianna brought her tea and cookies. Small dainty ones with red cherries and cream icing on top.

It was almost an hour when Edward appeared looking disappointed.

He didn't even look at her as Jane called to her to come with her to see the Masters.

Iridessa walked away with Jane after throwing her brother a worried look.

She was shown into the throne room again and Aro immediately held out his hands to her.

She had no choice but to let him touch her hands. At least she had learnt Occlumency from her tutor. If Aro was a wizard he'd be a Legilimens and she needed Occlumency skills to build up a defence against him.

She showed him only what she wanted. He , like everyone else, was under the impression that she was really Carlisle's daughter.

However , she did show him Hogwarts and some of her school years.

She also showed him Bella Swan and how the girl seemed to have something against her.

" Remarkable," Aro breathed once he let go of her hands ," Our young friend here is a witch. Her father didn't lie about that."

" Of course he didn't, Brother," Caius muttered ," He was always honourable in that regard."

" And now you're seventeen , if I am not mistaken," Aro spoke, ignoring Caius's remark ," A fully taught witch and off age ?"

" Yes, Sir ," she said politely," Though, in the Muggle world I would have to wait another year until I'm eighteen and everything."

He smiled." Forget about being eighteen, Young One. Do you have a wand? "

She nodded lifting her arm and pulling up her shirt sleeve where her wand rested in a holster. She pulled it out and handed it to him.

He looked it over briefly before handing it back. " Young Jane and her brother was like you once, though Hogwarts had not existed then. They were being burnt at the stake and dying when I turned them."

Iridessa placed her wand back into its holster and risked a glance at Jane and Alec , who stood quietly watching her.

"That's a real shame. Though , Hogwarts wasn't even all that fun. I got into trouble too much times to even think about it. At least the Wizarding World has gone into hiding , so no more killing us from Muggles. Humans always wants to destroy what they don't understand. It's horrible."

Aro smiled. " You're still using that word then?"

She smiled." Yes, Sir. There's no other word except terrible. It sounds the same." She sighed. " I don't regret not going back to Hogwarts. Tom Riddle would probably have Hogwarts under his thumb like he has the Ministry. We're at war and children will be fighting in the war in the end. Adult Witches and Wizards are too afraid to retaliate. They handed Tom Riddle that power over them. They must make their beds."

" You say Tom Riddle, why?"

She swallowed and looked at Marcus Volturi , the King that always looked sad. " Because there's a taboo on the other name. Should I speak it, I'll be summoning the Dark Lord here or anywhere I  am, Sir. He should've gone for the other way of gaining immortality , though. Instead of ...." She swallowed again and shook her head.

" Instead of?," Caius asked with interest.

" Making Horcruxes and splitting his soul into pieces."

There was a gasp from Jane and Alec. They obviously know about Horcruxes because they once was a Witch and a Wizard.

" Where did you learn this ,Child?," Aro asked .

" My friend Hermione Granger told me." She shuddered , remembering what else Hermione told her about the mission that her ,Harry and Ron would be undertaking this year. " I also found a book about the subject once. Some ancient Greek wizard made the first  Horcrux . At least he made only one. Tom made several. It's sad really."

" It is. Jane, please take Iridessa back to her brother. You'll be staying with us here tonight. Tomorrow is Saint Marcus Day. I hope you'll enjoy the festivities, Young One."

Iridessa curtsied and then  let Jane lead her away , unaware that the next day would be trying and that her brother would be doing something really stupid.
I hope you liked .

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