Chapter Thirty Six- A Visitor of the Unsweetened Variety

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I awoke that next morning with a feeling of uncertainty in my mind. What was wrong with me? The guy I had been pining over for months just confessed his feelings and I felt bad still. Ugh! It made no sense to me.

Just as I went to leave the room, I opened it to find Peter standing here with a sickly grin.

"Hello love." He said as he pushed me into the room. His grasp was harsh as it had been once before. "You are not easy to track down. I've been looking all night...Funny thing...your boyfriend doesn't seem to care too much since he left you here all alone..."

"Please don't...I am begging you!" Tears poured down my cheeks as I felt his gaze hard on my chest as it raced up and down.

"You don't get to beg. You had your chance and you left. We had a deal-"

"That deal was sick. You wanted me-" Just as I began to grow desperate, I heard a familiar voice talking outside my room.

"Are you awake?" He called. As I went to scream, Peter quickly wrapped his hand around my mouth before pulling a gun out from his side. My breath ceased and came in intervals.

"You will stay quiet or I will shoot him." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath that smelled of cigarettes and alcohol lingered in front of me. I heard Nick's feet walk away and grew discouraged.

Without warning, Peter threw me onto the bed and attempted to take advantage of the situation. But I would not let him do this to me. Using whatever cleverness I did possess, I began laughing at him. He pulled away and slapped me hard on the face.

"Stop it!" He said as he tried to stay focused on what he wanted.

"You are pathetic." I said as he raised his hand once more, this time making me roll across the bed. When I opened my eyes, I noticed how a glass lamp sat beside me. I did not want to kill him, but I needed help. Raising it in my hands, I threw it hard against the wall as it shattered into tiny pieces. "Help me Nick!" I screamed as Peter grabbed me and placed his hands around my throat.

To my rescue, Nick kicked the door in and stood before us. Seeing my state, his gaze hardened on Peter.

"You have no idea how much I loathe you. How dare you treat an innocent girl like this. One who doesn't deserve it!" Nick shouted, his expression harsh as well as his tone.

"Innocent? Oh that's rich!"

Nick moved closer to him before he pulled the gun on him.

"You think she's virtuous? Oh boy, I will bask in this moment." He said as he closed the door and kept the gun on Nick, pointing it directly between his eyes and making him move back until he was beside me.

"Do you want to tell him or should I?"

My heart stopped. No! You can't! I had no choice!

"What is he talking about?" Nick asked as he held my hand.

I began crying again, this time my head was buried in my hands.

"Savannah here is not as innocent as you think....You see the second night I was at the house, I went to her room late. As I talked to her, we made an agreement that she would be mine. Only mine. Every night."

Nick clenched his jaw.

"And if that's not the kicker for you, here is what is...I didn't beg her. In fact, she begged me."

"That's not true!" I yelled! "I only did it so he wouldn't hurt you!"

"You slept with him?" He asked as his eyes became shiny from the tears forming inside.

"It's not like he said! He took advantage of me and said he would kill you unless I did it!"

"You bast-"

"No need to get riled up. She is right...but she wasn't necessarily complaining either..."

"He gagged me. I had no choice." I pleaded.

Just as the moment reached maximum Soap Opera worth, a maid knocked on the door which took Peter's gaze from Nick. He took this opportunity to set him straight. Pushing him hard against the door, he knocked the gun from his hand and began hitting him-until he was on the floor to a bloody pulp. Peter didn't even get a single shot.

"You are trash." Nick said as he punched him once more. "I want your last moments to be lying here seeing how worthless you are. How you had to result in rape to get a woman's affections! You are nothing but a coward! I hope you burn." And he pointed the gun to him and shot him without hesitation.

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