Chapter Twelve- The Examination

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After Nick and I said goodnight, I made my way to my room and placed the camera upon my desk. This was a moment of truth for me. It was a quick development in the charade that was my mother's death but I was desperate to know. I was hesitant. What if I don't like what I see on the video? What if it is Nick? Or what if it makes more of a mystery? No matter, I needed to know.

I placed the USB end into my computer and waited as it loaded into my laptop. My heart pounded the entire time as I realized I could possibly find out the culprit. The videos began to play on the screen. I noted the date and time. This was two months ago! My mother was recording her sessions with the men she spent the nights with? But why?

The camera was only outside of her room. It made me wonder what life she was truly living that I did not know. I skipped until last night's time frame in which she was murdered. Nick was right. My teacher was there. The ribbon prominent on the tape.

I took a deep breath as tears took turns sliding down my cheeks as I watched he did leave. Wiping something from hands with a handkerchief. But then I also saw my mother leave-she opened the door and blew him a kiss before going back in.

I know Nick was not the killer but I also know the teacher wasn't. It made my head spin. Who did it? Why?

I took the USB from the computer and placed it in the drawer in my desk. When I turned, I saw a light outside my window. It was Nick. He was walking with the lantern outside the barn.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he came around the front.

"I thought I heard someone..."

"So you decide to walk around the barn?" I said with a giggle.

"I decided to look for footprints. I haven't walked around the barn since I've been here and neither have you..."

"Right..." I said giving myself a mental face palm. "Did you find anything?" I asked, trying to recover from my "Vannah moment".

"No. Doesn't mean anything though...I am only asking because of recent events..."


"Would you want me to stay inside with you? So you aren't alone?"

My heart leaped. "If you want." I said trying to remain calm.

"I just want you to be safe. Especially now..."

I was unable to hide my smile as I nodded. Now my mind wandered on what was to come. What would become of us? It made my heart jump with excitement. What would now be of Nick and I. Was there even a Nick and I?

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