Chapter Eighteen- The Diner

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It had been three days since our kiss in the club bathroom and I concocted a plan to see how he truly felt for me. Although he said it was nonexistent, he did things for me like made breakfast and carried stuff in for me when I was perfectly capable of doing it myself-or even doing the chores around the house.

So this night I told him that I was meeting up with people from school to celebrate finishing our second portion of the year before our final one into Junior year but his expression was upsetting.


"People from school." I said again, only now with a more sarcastic tone. "I am already late..." I said as I brushed a finally coat of lip gloss over my lips and exited out the door. I turned back to see a solid expression on his face.

Driving in the car to a dinner down the street, I felt empowered. He would have thought I spent the night with people my age and I would have won his feelings. But as I sat there, a blood curdling voice ruined my happy thoughts.

"Why so alone?" Ethan said as I heard him approach me.

But as he came to view, I saw how he had a bandage over his nose and scars on his cheeks.

"Enjoying this view." I said as I teased him. Usually, I would have kept quiet. But all the times he embarrassed me and harassed me, I decided to get my two cents.

"I knew you've always had a thing for me." He said taking my cruel comment the other way.

I burst out laughing as his comment hits my ears.

"Oh Ethan, how wrong you are..." As I went to stand up, I felt his hand harsh on my shoulder.

"Looks like "Roids" isn't here to protect you, did you break up with him or already give him what he wanted and then he moved on?" I went to slap him but he beat me to it, slapping my cheek hard. I then realized I aroused the attention of his friends in the dinner. They outnumbered me by at least six-give or take a few.

"How about we go talk outside?" He said as he gave me a sinister smile.

"I'd rather we do it in here...."

"Get up Vannah." he said-his grip now hard on my arm.

I fought him with all my might, eventually knocking Ethan against the counter. But his friends then grabbed me, tossing me out onto the street-in the ally. When I got back onto my feet, there I saw Ethan standing before me. He hand his thumbs wresting on the inside of his jeans and wore a permanent devilish grin. As much as I did not want to contemplate what was about to happen, it went into motion and the street lights that once were so bright went out like fireflies.

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