Chapter Fifteen- One Night

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"How did you find this place?" I asked as Nick pulled up to a bar that seemed bland from the outside. No neon lights or lines of people outside as I had seen on the movies. In fact, it was unappealing and made me nervous. But as his fingers wiggled their way through mine and he locked his hand into mine, I found that I was in a state of serenity.

His touch-although I had only felt it a handful of times was my peace. No matter what had happened in my life, whenever I felt his touch, nothing else seemed to matter.

We walked up to the front of the club and Nick pushed open two large black doors that lead to another set of doors-this one guarded by a security guard. Nick slipped something into his hand and then opened the door and allowed me to enter.

Lights of various colors as well as club music that seemed to make even the most rhythmically challenged want to attempt a few dance moves. Without warning, he pulled me toward the bar and placed us both upon two high stools that made it impossible for me to touch the floor. I watched as Nick ordered my drink which had just a buzz of alcohol for effect and to let me loosen up as he said I needed it.

"How did you find this place?" I repeated my question, only this time he turned and responded.

"When you were in school, I went out walking and saw some lights and turn tables being brought in here. I then paid off the security and placed my name on the list. You deserve to have a fun night." He took the drinks from the bartender and placed mine in my hand. "I hope you like to dance." He added as he looked onto the dance floor.

My gaze quickly followed but I found the scene to be that of a sexed up dirty dancing movie-as if those movies needed any more steamy dancing.

"You have to drink it quick. Otherwise you won't get the buzz." He said as he downed his drink within seconds.

I had never had alcohol in my life and this was a first for me. My hand trembled with the glass in my hand before I copied his method. It was a smooth burn in which the path it followed down my throat to my stomach I was able to feel greatly.


"I feel you are trying to get me drunk." I said with a grin.

"Never." He said, his expression now serious. As he saw my change in emotion, he placed his hand upon mine. "Ready to dance?"

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