Chapter Twenty Nine- Inheritance

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Nick removed the drive from the computer before Peter barged into the room. His expression was as if he had walked in on a satanic ritual.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a firm tone, eyes now focused on Nick.

"We were just looking stuff up online." I said, with an obvious attitude in my voice.

"I'm going to go grocery shopping. I would like if you would come with me."

"Nah. I'm gonna gets some studies done."

"I would much rather you came with-"

"The lady said no." Nick said as he towered over Peter.

"Then you come with me. I don't want you two here alone."

"We have been that way for nearly a month. I prefer to stay here."

"Fine." He said as he exited the room. "I want you out of that room, now!" His voice echoed through the house.

Nick and I slowly made our way from the room before my arm was taken by Peter's.

"I will meet you outside." I told him as I gave him a look telling him I would be alright.

"I don't like the way he looks at you."

"He doesn't like the way you look at me." I said low, but enough so he comprehended the comment.

"I am your father. I say a command and you listen. I earned that right."

"Oh really? You were absent for twelve years of my life and you expect me to be okay with that?" I said, sticking to his version of the story. "Truth is, I don't feel safe around you. I want to stay here. So go. And please, don't come back." I said before running out the door toward Nick.

We entered the barn through the back before hiding up high in the rafters, looking down to find him search for us.

"I know you are here. You don't have to like me, but I do want us to be a family. Your mother deprived me of that a long time ago."

I remained quiet.

"When I get home, your attitude better be changed."

He then went to turn to leave when my hand slipped and I was dangling from the rafters. Nick quickly took me from my state and placed me underneath him. Then he looked down to find that Peter had turned back due to the noise and the left. As he looked back down to me, our lips were a mere centimeter apart. I could feel his heartbeat on my chest and his breath on my chin. Just as I thought he would connect our lips once more...

"We should get that money before he finds it..." He said as he removed himself than assisted me down as well.

Making my way to the floorboard, I pushed the hay that rested over it to reveal the loose piece of wood. Using my fingers to move it up, I placed it aside to find what my mother had waiting for me.

Jewels. Money. Diamonds. Even antique objects. There was a small notebook that was labeled INCOME in big letters. I opened it to find all the "prospects" mother had told me about. Taking the book, the money, and everything else I could-Nick took the remaining objects, I quickly placed them in my car before I noticed Nick was keeping quiet.

"What is it?"

"What do you plan to do with all that money?" He asked, looking to me as if I had hurt him.

"I'm not going anywhere. Unfortunately, that jerk has custody of me unless I can prove he isn't who he says. And to do that...we have to find that tape. So what do you say we do that?"

A light ignited in his eyes. "Together." He said with a grin.

As we walked toward the house, our hands intertwined and we began searching for the tape.

In Love With a Serial KillerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora